2016-03-24 104 views

我有一個旋轉木馬:JS Fiddle。我試圖弄清楚如何將作爲主要圖像出現的每個圖像鏈接到它自己的頁面。目前,點擊圖片會導致維基百科頁面,因爲這是我在main_image div中指定的鏈接。如何雙鏈接圖像

我應該在<li>中指定一個href嗎?我的猜測是我必須在var imgTitle = $(this).find('a').attr("href")的行上創建另一個JS變量,但我完全不確定。

var intervalId; 
var slidetime = 2500; 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    // Comment out this line to disable auto-play 
    intervalID = setInterval(cycleImage, slidetime); 
    $(".main_image .desc").show(); // Show Banner 
    $(".main_image .block").animate({ 
    opacity: 0.85 
    }, 1); // Set Opacity 
    $(".image_thumb ul li:first").addClass('active'); 


    $(".image_thumb ul li").click(function() { 
    // Set Variables 
    var imgAlt = $(this).find('img').attr("alt"); // Get Alt Tag of Image 
    var imgTitle = $(this).find('a').attr("href"); // Get Main Image URL 
    var imgDesc = $(this).find('.block').html(); // Get HTML of block 
    var imgDescHeight = $(".main_image").find('.block').height(); // Calculate height of block \t 

    if ($(this).is(".active")) { // If it's already active, then... 
     return false; // Don't click through 
    } else { 
     // Animate the Teaser \t \t \t \t 
     $(".main_image .block").animate({ 
     opacity: 0, 
     marginBottom: -imgDescHeight 
     }, 250, function() { 
     $(".main_image .block").html(imgDesc).animate({ 
      opacity: 0.85, 
      marginBottom: "0" 
     }, 250); 
     $(".main_image img").attr({ 
      src: imgTitle, 
      alt: imgAlt 

    $(".image_thumb ul li").removeClass('active'); // Remove class of 'active' on all lists 
    $(this).addClass('active'); // add class of 'active' on this list only 
    return false; 

    }).hover(function() { 
    }, function() { 

    // Function to autoplay cycling of images 
    function cycleImage() { 
    var onLastLi = $(".image_thumb ul li:last").hasClass("active"); 
    var currentImage = $(".image_thumb ul li.active"); 


    if (onLastLi) { 
     var nextImage = $(".image_thumb ul li:first"); 
    } else { 
     var nextImage = $(".image_thumb ul li.active").next(); 


    // Duplicate code for animation 
    var imgAlt = $(nextImage).find('img').attr("alt"); 
    var imgTitle = $(nextImage).find('a').attr("href"); 
    var imgDesc = $(nextImage).find('.block').html(); 
    var imgDescHeight = $(".main_image").find('.block').height(); 

    $(".main_image .block").animate({ 
     opacity: 0, 
     marginBottom: -imgDescHeight 
    }, 250, function() { 
     $(".main_image .block").html(imgDesc).animate({ 
     opacity: 0.85, 
     marginBottom: "0" 
     }, 250); 
     $(".main_image img").attr({ 
     src: imgTitle, 
     alt: imgAlt 

.features { 
    flex: 1; 
    display: flex; 
    -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; 
    -webkit-box-direction: normal; 
    -webkit-flex-direction: row; 
    -ms-flex-direction: row; 
    flex-direction: row; 
    /* \t width: 60%; */ 
    min-width: 62.4%; 
    max-width: 62.4%; 
    margin-right: 0; 
    padding-right: 0; 
    position: relative; 
.main_image { 
    flex: 1 0 auto; 
    min-width: 72.3%; 
    max-width: 72.3%; 
    margin-right: 0; 
    height: 400px; 
    float: left; 
    background: #333; 
    position: relative; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    color: #fff; 
    padding-bottom: 10px; 
    padding-right: 0; 
    /* \t \t \t \t \t \t border-top: 5px solid blue; */ 
    /* \t \t \t \t \t \t border-right: 5px solid red; 
.main_image img { 
    margin-right: 0; 
    max-height: 475px; 
    padding-right: 0; 
    max-width: 610px; 
.main_image h2 { 
    font-size: 2em; 
    font-weight: normal; 
    margin: 0 0 5px; 
    padding: 10px; 
    padding-bottom: 0px; 
    line-height: 1.2em; 
    /* \t font-variant: small-caps; */ 
    font-family: Open Sans; 
    font-style: italic; 
.block small { 
    padding: 0 0 5px 5px; 
    background: url(images/icon_cal.gif) no-repeat 0 center; 
    font-size: 1em; 
.main_image .block small { 
    margin-left: 5px; 
.main_image .desc { 
    position: absolute; 
    bottom: 0; 
    left: 0; 
    width: 100%; 
    display: none; 
.main_image .block { 
    width: 100%; 
    background: #111; 
    border-top: 1px solid #000; 
    padding-bottom: 8px; 
.image_thumb { 
    float: left; 
    margin-right: 0; 
    padding-right: 0; 
    margin-left: 0; 
    padding-left: 0; 
    width: 223px; 
    height: 40px; 
    background: #f0f0f0; 
    /* \t \t \t \t \t \t border-right: 1px solid #fff; */ 
    border-top: 1px solid #ccc; 
    flex: 1; 
.image_thumb ul { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    list-style: none; 
    /* \t \t \t \t \t \t border: 4px solid green; \t 
.image_thumb ul li { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 12px 10px; 
    background-color: #f0f0f0; 
    min-width: 213px; 
    height: 56.2px; 
    float: left; 
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; 
    border-top: 1px solid #fff; 
    border-right: 1px solid #ccc; 
.image_thumb ul li.hover { 
    background: #ddd; 
    cursor: pointer; 
.image_thumb ul li.active { 
    background: #fff; 
    cursor: default; 
.image_thumb ul li h2 { 
    font-size: 1.5em; 
    margin: 5px 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    line-height: 1.2em; 
    /* \t font-variant: small-caps; */ 
    font-family: Open Sans; 
    font-style: italic; 
.image_thumb ul li .block { 
    float: left; 
    margin-left: 10px; 
    padding: 0; 
    width: 180px; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<section class="features"> 

    <span class="sticker"> 
\t \t \t \t \t <img class="tab1special" src="images/featurestab.png" alt="main"> 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t </span> 

    <div class="main_image"> 
    <a href="https://www.wikipedia.org"> 
     <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Baker's-van-r.jpg" /> 
    <div class="desc"> 
     <div class="block"> 
    <h2>Wagon wins again</h2> 


    <div class="image_thumb"> 

     <a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Baker's-van-r.jpg"></a> 
     <div class="block"> 
      <h2>Wagon wins again</h2> 
     <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/00/60/ff/0060ff20d110050c0e350c55f7c7f3be.jpg"></a> 
     <div class="block"> 
      <h2>Heirloom Scareloom</h2> 

     <a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Mammuthus_trogontherii122DB.jpg"></a> 
     <div class="block"> 
      <h2>The Original Wollies</h2> 

     <a href="images/booksleeve2.jpg"></a> 
     <div class="block"> 
      <h2>Tales from the West</h2> 

     <a href="images/spiceroute.jpg"></a> 
     <div class="block"> 
      <h2>A Journey through Time</h2> 






但我不想將每個圖像鏈接到2個不同的頁面。在代碼中,你會發現爲image_thumb元素指定的href是一個圖像,並不是一個真正的頁面。自動旋轉期間,此圖像顯示在main_image空間中。我無法做的是將該圖像鏈接到自己的頁面上(維基百科只是一個測試 - 它適用於所有頁面;我如何將獨特的鏈接應用於每個圖像?)。 –



$(".main_image img").attr({ src: imgTitle , alt: imgAlt}); 


$(".main_image img").attr({ src: imgTitle , alt: imgAlt}).wrap($('<a>',{ 
    href: imgTitle // over whatever URL you like 



這並不回答如何從圖像中獲取** 2 **鏈接的問題。 – Barmar