2016-07-28 76 views

我已經創建了一個帶有目標Android 4.4的模擬器,如果我啓動模擬器,請獲取以下異常並且不會看到模擬器。請幫我模擬器拿到作品。Android模擬器不能在Windows 7中打開

C:\android-folder\android-sdk\tools\emulator.exe -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5X_API_19 
emulator: WARNING: VM heap size set below hardware specified minimum of 96MB 
init: Could not find wglGetExtensionsStringARB! 
getGLES1ExtensionString: Could not find GLES 1.x config! 
emulator: WARNING: Setting VM heap size to 384MB 
Failed to obtain GLES 1.x extensions string! 
Hax is enabled 
Hax ram_size 0x20000000 
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode. 
Could not initialize emulated framebufferWarning: requested ram_size 1536M too big, reduced to 512M 
audio: Failed to create voice `goldfish_audio_in' 
qemu-system-i386.exe: warning: opening audio input failed 
console on port 5554, ADB on port 5555 
emulator: ERROR: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, use '-gpu off' to disable it. 
emulator: WARNING: ./android/metrics/metrics_reporter_toolbar.cpp:164: Can't upload usage metrics: Error 
emulator: WARNING: ./android/metrics/metrics_reporter_toolbar.cpp:164: Can't upload usage metrics: Error 
emulator: WARNING: ./android/metrics/metrics_reporter.cpp:142: Failed to get a writable, unused path for metrics. Tried: C:\Users\murali.athmarao\.android\avd\metrics\metrics.7408.yogibear 


Windows 7 32 bit. 
Ram size is 2GB 
Graphics card is Standard VGA Graphics Adapter 

中的Android Studio版本2.1.2禁用GPU你有沒有管理與你的機器上的模擬器工作? –


不是第一次。 –


什麼樣的模擬器?內置android studio one(AVD)?內置Android Studio提供的 –



1)無法初始化模擬framebufferWarning:請ram_size 1536M太大,減少到512M - 您必須配置模擬器較少的內存大小 2)仿真器:ERROR :無法初始化OpenglES仿真,使用'-gpu off'來禁用它 - 嘗試禁用它。 3)嘗試使自己的模擬器項目


1)我可以用512 MB或1GB 2)如何禁用-gpu關 3)能否請您解釋點點的細節? –


我認爲這將是一個好主意,您可以閱讀https://developer.android.com/studio/run/managing-avds.html –


似乎你的機器(Windows 7更具體)不允許RAM大小然後512虛擬機請求framebufferWarning: requested ram_size 1536M too big, reduced to 512M
要解決此問題,您需要配置虛擬設備以詢問512M RAM。

TL; DR - 如何修復 -
1.進入工具 - > Android的 - > AVD經理。
3.選擇你想要的設備 - >選擇你想要的API(版本)級別(如棉花糖)。
4. Show advance setting
5. Memory and Storage集RAM的標籤內,以500


我的Android工作室獲得作品現在當禁用-gpu斷,降低RAM的大小。 我有AVD-> Edit or create new virtual device -> Graphics ->software-GLES 2.0