它的一個人造樣本 - 我想盡可能小。
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
enum rqtypes {Unknown, Monitor, Query, Snapshot };
class base {
base() : type(Unknown) {}
rqtypes type;
class CBMonitorDeviceRequest : public base
CBMonitorDeviceRequest() : dn(0) {}
char* dn;
//I want the equivalent of:
// case MonitorDeviceRequestID:
// CBMonitorDeviceRequest* pthis = static_cast<CBMonitorDeviceRequest*>(thisrq);
// if(pthis && strcmp(pthis->dn1, "1234") == 0)
// return 0;
// else
// return -1;
// break;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CBMonitorDeviceRequest* ptr = new CBMonitorDeviceRequest;
ptr->type = Monitor;
ptr->dn = new char(strlen("1234") + 1);
strcpy(ptr->dn, "1234");
#define COMPARE(id, thismsg) case id##ID: { \
CB##id * pthis = static_cast<CB##id *>(thismsg); \
if(pthis && strcmp(pthis->dn, "1234") == 0) \
std::cout << "found"; \
else \
std::cout << "not found"; \
break; } \
COMPARE(Monitor, ptr);
#undef COMPARE
return 0;
(46) : error C2065: 'MonitorID' : undeclared identifier
(46) : error C2051: case expression not constant
(46) : error C2065: 'CBMonitor' : undeclared identifier
(46) : error C2065: 'pthis' : undeclared identifier
(46) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'CBMonitor'
(46) : error C2065: 'pthis' : undeclared identifier
(46) : error C2065: 'pthis' : undeclared identifier
(46) : error C2227: left of '->dn' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
使用GCC -EI得到: #30 「macro_fun2.cpp」 INT主(INT ARGC,CHAR *的argv []){ CBMonitorDeviceRequest * ptr = new CBMonitorDeviceRequest; ptr-> type = Monitor; ptr-> dn = new char(strlen(「1234」)+ 1); strcpy(ptr-> dn,「1234」); #45「macro_fun2.cpp」 switch(ptr-> type)case MonitorID:{CBMonitor * pthis = static_cast(ptr);如果(pthis & & strcmp(pthis-> dn,「1234」)== 0)Monitor = Query;其他監視器=快照; 休息; }; }
return 0; }
*** By the way I changed code to to avoid the massive printing of iostream by preprocessor - otherwise -E printing would have been huge.
#define COMPARE(id, thismsg) case id##ID: { \
CB##id * pthis = static_cast<CB##id *>(thismsg); \
if(pthis && strcmp(pthis->dn, "1234") == 0) \
id = Query; \
else \
id = Snapshot; \
break; } \
*問題*是什麼? – Puppy
首先,字符串化操作符是一個'#',並且它不會出現在此代碼中的任何位置。 –
我會建議你先做,只是預處理輸出,看看發生了什麼。如果您使用GCC,則可以使用-E選項完成。如果您仍然無法解決原因,請在此處粘貼預處理的輸出並讓我們知道。 http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/Preprocessor-Options.html#Preprocessor-Options – Salgar