import client
import httpretty
import requests
from mock import Mock, patch
def testGetQueryToAPI(self):
Tests the client can send a 'GET' query to the API, asserting we receive
an HTTP status code reflecting successful operation.
# Arrange: patch the request in client.Client._queryAPI().
with patch.object(requests, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 200
# Act:
c = client.Client()
response = c._queryAPI("path", 'GET', {}, None, {})
# Assert:
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Repeat the same test for 'POST' queries.
,模擬出與httpretty ...
def testGetContextReturnFields(self):
Tests client.getContext() for a sample term.
Asserts the returned object contains the corrcet fields and have contents as
# Arrange: mock JSON response from API, mock out the API endpoint we expect
# to be called.
mockResponseString = getMockApiData("context_foo.json")
# Act: create the client object we'll be testing.
c = client.Client()
contexts = c.getContext("foo")
# Assert: check the result object.
self.assertTrue(isinstance(contexts, list),
"Returned object is not of type list as expected.")
self.assertTrue(("context_label" and "context_id") in contexts[0],
"Data structure returned by getContext() does not contain"
" the required fields.")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(contexts[0]["context_label"], str),
"The \'context_label\' field is not of type string.")
self.assertEqual(contexts[0]["context_id"], 0,
"The top context does not have ID of zero.")
的HTTP什麼和如何嘲笑很大程度上取決於「客戶」類的內部。畢竟,你*可以*只是模擬'Client.getContext'返回一些固定的東西,但是你只測試你配置模擬以匹配預期的輸出。 – chepner
我不確定我是否理解正確:您是否想通過真正的API調用來測試'Client'?您應該信任API(您不能再測試API),只需測試您的客戶端是否進行了正確的調用。 –
@ Micheled'Amico如何測試我的客戶端在不查詢API的情況下對API做出正確的查詢? – BoltzmannBrain