這個程序只需要一個文件,刪除它,允許用戶輸入兩行放入空白文件,然後打印文件。必須先閱讀文件才能關閉文件? Python
from sys import argv
sript, filename = argv
print "We will be buliding a new file from an %s" % filename
print "If you don't want to do this, hit CTRL_C"
print "If you do, hit and other key"
print "Oppening the file..."
file_ob = open(filename, "r+")
print "Now we will rewrite this file with the following line"
line1 = raw_input("The fist line will be :")
line2 = raw_input("The second line will be:")
print "Now we're put them into the file"
file_ob.write("\n\t>>>" + line1 + "\n\n\t>>>" + line2)
print "And now we will see what is in the file we just made"
print file_ob.read()
print "And now we will see what is in the file we just made"
#file_ob = open(filename, "r+")
#print file_ob.read()
該文件被緩衝。關閉它時,它會強制緩衝區被刷新並寫入文件。考慮使用'open(filename,「r +」)作爲file_ob:'以避免需要關閉。 –
您也可以使用'os.SEEK_SET',因此寫入後不需要關閉和重新打開以讀取文件。 –
@ l'L'l:'os.SEEK_SET'只是一個常量(不是必需的;'SEEK_SET'是默認模式)。你的意思是'file_ob.seek(0)'(第二個參數默認爲'SEEK_SET')? – ShadowRanger