我正在完成一個簡單的編程練習(我還是新的),其中我通過爲4個不同的字符屬性分配30個點來創建角色配置文件。計劃功能包括:顯示當前配置文件,創建新配置文件或更改現有配置文件。第一個和第二個功能工作正常,但最後一個問題:該程序是爲了解開嵌套列表項目(屬性+分配的分數),要求新的分數,採取舊的和新的差異,並改變數字相應的池中可用點數。最後,在位置0處向列表添加一個新條目(屬性+新分配的分數),然後刪除位置1處的條目,該條目應該是該屬性的舊條目。遍歷列表並完成。但是,一旦執行代碼,您將看到它不起作用。請參閱下面的完整代碼:Python嵌套列表 - 更改和替換單個項目
options = ["Strength", "Health", "Wisdom", "Dexterity"]
profile = []
points = 30
choice = None
while choice != "0":
0 - Exit
1 - See current profile
2 - Build new profile
3 - Amend existing profile
choice = input("Please choose an option: ")
if choice == "0":
print("Good bye.")
elif choice == "1":
for item in profile:
input("\nPress the enter key to continue.")
elif choice == "2":
print("You can now equip your character with attributes for your adventures.")
print("You have",points,"points to spent.")
print("Now configure your character: \n")
#Run the point allocation loop
for item in options:
point_aloc = int(input("Please enter points for " + str(item) + ":"))
if point_aloc <= points:
entry = item, point_aloc
points = points - point_aloc
print("\nYour current choice looks like this: ")
input("\nPress the enter key to continue.")
print("Sorry, you can only allocate", points," more points!")
print("\nYour current choice looks like this: ")
input("\nPress the enter key to continue.")
print("\nWell done, you have configured your character as follows: ")
for item in profile:
input("Press the enter key to continue.")
elif choice == "3":
print("This is your current character profile:\n")
for item in profile:
print("\nYou can change the point allocation for each attribute.")
for item in profile:
point_new = int(input("Please enter new points for " + str(item) + ":"))
attribute, points_aloc = item
diff = points_aloc - point_new
if diff >0:
points += diff
print("Your point allocation has changed by", -diff,"points.")
print(diff,"points have just been added to the pool.")
print("The pool now contains", points,"points.")
entry = item, point_new
profile.insert(0, entry)
del profile[1]
input("Press the enter key to continue.\n")
elif diff <0 and points - diff >=0:
points += diff
print("Your point allocation has changed by", -diff,"points.")
print(-diff,"points have just been taken from the pool.")
print("The pool now contains", points,"points.")
entry = item, point_new
profile.insert(0, entry)
del profile[1]
input("Press the enter key to continue.\n")
elif diff <0 and points - diff <=0:
print("Sorry, but you don't have enough points in the pool!")
input("Press the enter key to continue.\n")
print("Sorry, but this is not a valid choice!")
input("Press the enter key to continue.\n")
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
歡迎來到Stack Overflow。你能否澄清你的問題?它應該包含一個[簡短,獨立,正確的例子](http://sscce.org/);在嘗試時明確描述問題所在(包括錯誤消息!)和[您嘗試過的內容](http://mattgemmell.com/2008/12/08/what-have-you-tried/)的描述解決問題。 – Ben 2012-04-21 15:13:14
另外,它應該包含預期的輸入和輸出。 – 2012-04-21 15:18:26