2015-10-21 94 views



$mysqli = new mysqli($host,$username,$password,$database); 

if($mysqli -> connect_error)die($mysqli->connect_error); 

$questionID = $_POST['id']; 
$userAnswer = $_POST['answer']; 
$userAnswer = strtolower(trim($userAnswer)); 
$questionValue = $_POST['qValue']; 

$teamName = $_SESSION['user_email']; 
$user_id = "SELECT t.teamID,t.questionGroupID FROM team as t WHERE t.teamName ='$teamName'"; 

$result2 = $mysqli->query($user_id); 

    if ($result2->num_rows > 0) { 
    // output data of each row 
    while($row = $result2->fetch_assoc()) { 

     $userID = $row["teamID"]; 

$query = "SELECT answers FROM answers WHERE questionID=?"; 
$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query); 
$statement ->bind_param('i', $questionID); 

//checking the database to see if the current question is there from the current user/teamName 
if ($result = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM submissions where teamID='$teamName' and questionID='$questionID'")) { 

    /* determine number of rows result set */ 
    $row_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($result); 

    /* close result set */ 

/* close connection */ 

//checking to see if it returns a result 
if(($row_cnt)= 0){ 
while ($statement->fetch()) { 
    if ($answer != $userAnswer) { 
     echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-danger"><h5> 
      <strong>Sorry!</strong> the answer is incorrect! Please Try again!.</h5> 

     "<h3>Sorry the answer is incorrect! Please Try again!</h3><br>"; 
     //return to previous Page 
     echo '<a href="./question.php?id=' . $questionID . '" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Return to Question </a>'; 
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `submissions`(`submissionsID`, `teamID`, `questionID`, `answer`,`qValue`,`status`,`timestamp`) VALUES (null,'$teamName','$questionID','$userAnswer','0','Wrong',NOW())"; 

     if (mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql)) { 

     } else { 
      echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($mysqli); 

    } else { 

     echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-success"><h5> 
    <strong>Success!</strong> Correct Answer, Good Luck with the Next </h5> 
     echo "<a href='questionList.php' class='btn btn-success btn-block'>Continue with other questions! </a>"; 


     //MySqli Insert Query 

     $sql = "INSERT INTO `submissions`(`submissionsID`, `teamID`, `questionID`, `answer`,`qValue`,`status`,`timestamp`) VALUES (null,'$teamName','$questionID','$userAnswer','$questionValue','Correct',NOW())"; 

     if (mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql)) { 

     } else { 
      echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($mysqli); 


     echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-warning"><h5> 
    <strong>Already Answered!</strong> Good Luck with the Next </h5> 
     echo "<a href='questionList.php' class='btn btn-warning btn-block'>Continue with other questions! </a>"; 




您的邏輯是回到前面。你不需要先檢查。而應在用戶和答案上建立一個組合鍵。 – Strawberry


另請參閱如何準備第二個查詢?那很好。 – Strawberry




$row_cnt = $result->num_rows; 


$row_cnt = mysqli_numrows($result); 

也不要忘了,$row_cnt將等於-1任何形式的查詢錯誤的情況下,所以你應該檢查該假設所有阿爾恩前值't 0是有效的。


謝謝你的回答,我已經嘗試過了,並將計數器設置爲<= 0,但現在我的問題是它似乎在拖延,當我設置計數器= 0時,我得到聲明的結尾,它說你已經回答了這個問題),當我把它設置爲其他任何東西時,網頁顯示爲空 – Keiththolt


如果$ row_cnt =正確的語法是==,我還需要比較運算符不是賦值操作符。 – PC3TJ


嘗試設置error_reporting(E_ALL);在代碼的開頭,看看你是否得到任何語法錯誤 – PC3TJ





托馬斯,我相信她的問題只是想知道如何檢查這個用戶是否提交了一個問題的答案,而不是如何檢查給出的答案是否正確。簡單看看她的代碼,看起來可能是多種選擇。 – PC3TJ


您好,托馬斯,感謝您花時間做出迴應,我已經做了比較,如果用戶的答案等於數據庫中的答案,我目前的問題是我想看看當前用戶是否有提交在提交表中等於用戶ID和問題ID,如果他們有,這意味着他們已經回答了這個問題,它不能再回答。 – Keiththolt



<?php session_start(); ?> 
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// establishing the MySQLi connection 

$mysqli = new mysqli($host,$username,$password,$database); 

/* check connection */ 
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { 
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); 

$questionID = $_POST['id']; 
$userAnswer = $_POST['answer']; 
$userAnswer = strtolower(trim($userAnswer)); 
$questionValue = $_POST['qValue']; 

$teamName = $_SESSION['user_email']; 
$user_id = "SELECT t.teamID,t.questionGroupID FROM team as t WHERE t.teamName ='$teamName'"; 

$result2 = $mysqli->query($user_id); 

    if ($result2->num_rows > 0) { 
    // output data of each row 
    while($row = $result2->fetch_assoc()) { 

     $userID = $row["teamID"]; 

$query = "SELECT answers FROM answers WHERE questionID=?"; 
$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query); 
$statement ->bind_param('i', $questionID); 





    <div class="container"> 

    <!-- Page Content --> 

if ($result4 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM submissions where teamID='$teamName' and questionID='$questionID'")) 
           // display records if there are records to display 
           if ($result4->num_rows > 0) 

         echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-warning"><h5> 
         <strong>Already Answered!</strong> Good Luck with the Next </h5> 
         echo "<a href='questionList.php' class='btn btn-warning btn-block'>Continue with other questions! </a>"; 

           // if there are no records in the database, display an alert message 
             while ($statement->fetch()) { 
         if ($answer != $userAnswer) { 
          echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-danger"><h5> 
           <strong>Sorry!</strong> the answer is incorrect! Please Try again!.</h5> 

          "<h3>Sorry the answer is incorrect! Please Try again!</h3><br>"; 
          //return to previous Page 
          echo '<a href="./question.php?id=' . $questionID . '" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Return to Question </a>'; 
          $sql = "INSERT INTO `submissions`(`submissionsID`, `teamID`, `questionID`, `answer`,`qValue`,`status`,`timestamp`) VALUES (null,'$teamName','$questionID','$userAnswer','0','Wrong',NOW())"; 

          if (mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql)) { 

          } else { 
           echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($mysqli); 

         } else { 

          echo '<br><br><div class="alert alert-success"><h5> 
         <strong>Success!</strong> Correct Answer, Good Luck with the Next </h5> 
          echo "<a href='questionList.php' class='btn btn-success btn-block'>Continue with other questions! </a>"; 


          //MySqli Insert Query 

          $sql = "INSERT INTO `submissions`(`submissionsID`, `teamID`, `questionID`, `answer`,`qValue`,`status`,`timestamp`) VALUES (null,'$teamName','$questionID','$userAnswer','$questionValue','Correct',NOW())"; 

           if (mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql)) { 

           } else { 
            echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($mysqli); 



         // show an error if there is an issue with the database query 
           echo "<strong>Error:</strong>" . $mysqli->error; 

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