我有一個基於管道的應用程序,它可以分析不同的語言(比如英語和中文)中的文本。我的目標是有一個系統,可以在兩種語言,透明的方式。 注意:這個問題很長,因爲它有很多簡單的代碼片段。管道系統的體系結構/設計。如何改進此代碼?
public class Pipeline {
private A componentA;
private B componentB;
private C componentC;
// I really just need the language attribute of Locale,
// but I use it because it's useful to load language specific ResourceBundles.
public Pipeline(Locale locale) {
componentA = new A();
componentB = new B();
componentC = new C();
public Output runPipeline(Input) {
Language lang = LanguageIdentifier.identify(Input);
ResultOfA resultA = componentA.doSomething(Input);
ResultOfB resultB = componentB.doSomethingElse(resultA); // uses result of A
return componentC.doFinal(resultA, resultB); // uses result of A and B
public abstract class A {
private CommonClass x; // common to all languages
private AnotherCommonClass y; // common to all languages
abstract SomeTemporaryResult getTemp(input); // language specific
abstract AnotherTemporaryResult getAnotherTemp(input); // language specific
public ResultOfA doSomething(input) {
// template method
SomeTemporaryResult t = getTemp(input); // language specific
AnotherTemporaryResult tt = getAnotherTemp(input); // language specific
return ResultOfA(t, tt, x.get(), y.get());
public class EnglishA extends A {
private EnglishSpecificClass something;
// implementation of the abstract methods ...
public Enum AFactory {
private Map<String, A> cache; // this map will only have one or two keys, is there anything more efficient that I can use, instead of HashMap ?
public A getA(Locale locale) {
// lookup by locale.language, and insert if it doesn't exist, et cetera
return cache.get(locale.getLanguage());
public Output runPipeline(Input) {
Language lang = LanguageIdentifier.identify(Input);
ResultOfA resultA = AFactory.getA(lang).doSomething(Input);
ResultOfB resultB = BFactory.getB(lang).doSomethingElse(resultA);
return CFactory.getC(lang).doFinal(resultA, resultB);
感謝您的意見和建議!我已經閱讀了關於Builder模式的一些文章,並且如果我正確理解了它,這個想法應該是有一個`PipelineBuilder`,在給定語言的情況下,可以創建組件A,B和C語言特定版本的方法,然後返回一個方法返回「剛建好」的語言特定的「管道」。然後,我會有一個`PipelineEngine`,它將接收一個`Pipeline`並執行`runPipeline`。現在,我的問題是,我將在運行時切換語言/管道,並且每次創建新管道的成本都很高。我如何緩存它們? – 2009-07-21 01:41:07