2010-11-20 46 views



這是對example in the documentation:

import Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5 
import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA as RSA 
import Crypto.PublicKey.DSA as DSA 
import Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal as ElGamal 
import Crypto.Util.number as CUN 
import os 

plaintext = 'The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain' 

# Here is a hash of the message 
hash = MD5.new(plaintext).digest() 
# '\xb1./J\xa883\x974\xa4\xac\x1e\x1b!\xc8\x11' 

for alg in (RSA, DSA, ElGamal): 
    # Generates a fresh public/private key pair 
    key = alg.generate(384, os.urandom) 

    if alg == DSA: 
     K = CUN.getRandomNumber(128, os.urandom) 
    elif alg == ElGamal: 
     K = CUN.getPrime(128, os.urandom) 
     while CUN.GCD(K, key.p - 1) != 1: 
      print('K not relatively prime with {n}'.format(n=key.p - 1)) 
      K = CUN.getPrime(128, os.urandom) 
     # print('GCD({K},{n})=1'.format(K=K,n=key.p-1)) 
     K = '' 

    # You sign the hash 
    signature = key.sign(hash, K) 
    print(len(signature), alg.__name__) 
    # (1, 'Crypto.PublicKey.RSA') 
    # (2, 'Crypto.PublicKey.DSA') 
    # (2, 'Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal') 

    # You share pubkey with Friend 
    pubkey = key.publickey() 

    # You send message (plaintext) and signature to Friend. 
    # Friend knows how to compute hash. 
    # Friend verifies the message came from you this way: 
    assert pubkey.verify(hash, signature) 

    # A different hash should not pass the test. 
    assert not pubkey.verify(hash[:-1], signature) 

謝謝,這是非常只有一個問題,signature中的''''= RSAkey.sign(hash,「」)'是什麼意思? – 2010-11-20 19:03:38


此外,我看到簽名是一個元組,什麼是以便攜式的方式存儲它的好方法? – 2010-11-20 19:39:45


@Noah McIlraith:對於RSA,不使用第二個參數'K'。對於ElGamal和DSA,需要提供長字符串或隨機數據「K」。詳細信息可在http://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/doc/#crypto-publickey-public-key-algorithms下找到,題目爲「ElGamal和DSA算法」。 – unutbu 2010-11-20 20:16:56






我結束了使用實現PKCS1_v1_5的RSA moduledocumentation for signing非常簡單。其他have recommended use M2Crypto




from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA 
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP 
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 
from Crypto.Hash import SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA, MD5 
from Crypto import Random 
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode 

hash = "SHA-256" 

def newkeys(keysize): 
    random_generator = Random.new().read 
    key = RSA.generate(keysize, random_generator) 
    private, public = key, key.publickey() 
    return public, private 

def importKey(externKey): 
    return RSA.importKey(externKey) 

def getpublickey(priv_key): 
    return priv_key.publickey() 

def encrypt(message, pub_key): 
    #RSA encryption protocol according to PKCS#1 OAEP 
    cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(pub_key) 
    return cipher.encrypt(message) 

def decrypt(ciphertext, priv_key): 
    #RSA encryption protocol according to PKCS#1 OAEP 
    cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(priv_key) 
    return cipher.decrypt(ciphertext) 

def sign(message, priv_key, hashAlg="SHA-256"): 
    global hash 
    hash = hashAlg 
    signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(priv_key) 
    if (hash == "SHA-512"): 
     digest = SHA512.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-384"): 
     digest = SHA384.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-256"): 
     digest = SHA256.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-1"): 
     digest = SHA.new() 
     digest = MD5.new() 
    return signer.sign(digest) 

def verify(message, signature, pub_key): 
    signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pub_key) 
    if (hash == "SHA-512"): 
     digest = SHA512.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-384"): 
     digest = SHA384.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-256"): 
     digest = SHA256.new() 
    elif (hash == "SHA-1"): 
     digest = SHA.new() 
     digest = MD5.new() 
    return signer.verify(digest, signature) 

用法示例helper class

import rsa 
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode 

msg1 = "Hello Tony, I am Jarvis!" 
msg2 = "Hello Toni, I am Jarvis!" 
keysize = 2048 
(public, private) = rsa.newkeys(keysize) 
encrypted = b64encode(rsa.encrypt(msg1, public)) 
decrypted = rsa.decrypt(b64decode(encrypted), private) 
signature = b64encode(rsa.sign(msg1, private, "SHA-512")) 
verify = rsa.verify(msg1, b64decode(signature), public) 

print("Encrypted: " + encrypted) 
print("Decrypted: '%s'" % decrypted) 
print("Signature: " + signature) 
print("Verify: %s" % verify) 
rsa.verify(msg2, b64decode(signature), public) 

我覺得這很讓人困惑。 rsa的簽名。加密是''(message,pub_key)''',但是示例用法中的調用是rsa.encrypt(msg1,private)''',使得它看起來需要一個公鑰,但實際上得到一個私鑰。此外,rsa.newkeys()返回兩個值,其中一個來自另一個值(特別是''(x,x.public_key())'''),這與「純英文」解釋'''(公共,私人)''' – mwag 2018-01-20 00:28:43


感謝您指出樣本用法(現在更新)中的錯誤。爲了做加密,你需要調用'rsa.encrypt(msg1,public)'。對於RSA,您需要用於加密和驗證的公共密鑰,解密和簽名需要私鑰。您也可以始終從「私鑰」獲取「公鑰」,但從另一方面來說不可能 – Dennis 2018-01-20 06:49:38