我想弄清楚一個win命令行來刪除不包含* .nes並將輸出重定向到日誌文件的所有子文件夾。批處理腳本:刪除不包含特定的子文件夾
我想弄清楚一個win命令行來刪除不包含* .nes並將輸出重定向到日誌文件的所有子文件夾。批處理腳本:刪除不包含特定的子文件夾
@echo off
:: do not use if you don't know
:: what you are doing!
:: this file deletes all subfolders
:: without files with *.nes in them
:: WARNING: use with extreme care!
echo --- cleanup on %date% %time:~0,-3%% --- >> removed.log
for /D %%i in (*) do (
dir /b /s ".\%%i\*.nes" >NUL 2>NUL
if errorlevel 1 (:: dir sets errorlevel 1 if no file is found
rmdir /q /s "%%i"
echo. removed %%i >> removed.log
set errorlevel=0
echo. >> removed.log
不包含\ *。nes *其中*?在文件夾名稱?文件夾內的文件名?如果文件夾包含子文件夾,會發生什麼情況? – 2013-03-10 19:21:48