此任務看起來非常簡單。你可以從下面的日誌中看到,我檢查它是否設置成功,它是。那麼有什麼想法爲什麼當導航控制器推到這個視圖時它不會顯示?它與navigationItem和[navigationBar items]之間的區別有什麼關係?UIBarButtonItem在我成功將其添加到navigationitem後未顯示

NSLog(@"Nav bar's item is: %@", [[[[[self navigationController] navigationBar] items] objectAtIndex:0] description]); 
    NSLog(@"The navigationItem's Right bar button is: %@", [[[self navigationItem] rightBarButtonItem] description]); 

    //create bar button item with segmented control as custom view 
    UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"One", @"Two", nil]]; 
    UIBarButtonItem *barButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:segmentedControl]; 
    NSLog(@"Created bar button item: %@", barButtonItem); 
    NSLog(@"Bar button item's view is: %@", [barButtonItem customView]); 

    //add segmented control bar button item to navigation bar 

    [[self navigationItem] setRightBarButtonItem:barButtonItem]; 
    NSLog(@"Added bar button item, %@, to nav item %@", barButtonItem, [self navigationItem]); 
    NSLog(@"Now Nav bar's item is: %@", [[[[[self navigationController] navigationBar] items] objectAtIndex:0] description]); 
    NSLog(@"Now the navigationItem's Right bar button is: %@", [[[self navigationItem] rightBarButtonItem] description]); 


 Nav bar's item is: <UINavigationItem: 0x7586a60> 
    The navigationItem's Right bar button is: (null) 
    Created bar button item: <UIBarButtonItem: 0x90a2180> 
    Bar button item's view is: <UISegmentedControl: 0x90a11e0; frame = (0 0; 101 44); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x90a1150>> 
    Added bar button item, <UIBarButtonItem: 0x90a2180>, to nav item <UINavigationItem: 0x909c5a0> 
    Now Nav bar's item is: <UINavigationItem: 0x7586a60> 
    Now the navigationItem's Right bar button is: <UIBarButtonItem: 0x90a2180> 





您是否將NavigationItem設置爲NavigationBar? 看起來你沒有在你的代碼片段中完成它。


Nav bar's item is: <UINavigationItem: 0x7586a60> 


Now Nav bar's item is: <UINavigationItem: 0x7586a60> 