2016-09-08 71 views

我有一些Web API返回數據。 現在我想根據這些數據創建一個自定義對象。 問題是這些http調用是依賴的。 下面是代碼,你可以看到,在getLabMainAndLinesCombined() 有封裝在4個HTTP調用:如何同步HTTP調用並在最後返回承諾?

  1. contactsService.getContactPersonsIdNameList()
  2. getLabMainsIdAppIdList()
  3. getAllLabLines()
  4. getAllLabMains()


var generateProperMappings = function (companiesIdName, contactPersonsIdName, labMainsIdAppId, labMains, labLines) { 
     var result = []; 
     var i = 0; 
     while (i < labMains.length) { 
      var labMain = labMains[i]; 
      var workAppId = labMainsIdAppId.filter(options => options.id === labMain.id)[0].appId; 
      var companyName = companiesIdName.filter(options => options.id === labMain.companyId)[0].name; 
      var contactPersonName = contactPersonsIdName.filter(options => options.id === labMain.contactPersonId)[0].fullName; 
      var associatedLabLines = labLines.filter(options => options.assignedToWork === labMain.id); 
      var viewDetails = { 
       work: { id: labMain.id, appId: workAppId }, 
       company: { id: labMain.companyId, name: companyName }, 
       contactPerson: { id: labMain.contactPersonId, fullName: contactPersonName }, 
       workDetails: { created: labMain.dateCreated }, 
       labLinesAssociated: associatedLabLines 
     return result; 

    var getLabMainAndLinesCombined = function() { 
     var deferred = $q.defer(); 
     console.log("Generating view of mains and lines combined"); 
     var companiesIdName = []; 
     var contactPersonsIdName = []; 
     var labMainsIdAppId = []; 
     var labLines = []; 
     var labMains = []; 
     var result = []; 
     contactsService.getCompaniesIdNameList().then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, companiesIdName); 
      contactsService.getContactPersonsIdNameList().then(data => { 
       angular.copy(data, contactPersonsIdName); 
       getLabMainsIdAppIdList().then(data => { 
        angular.copy(data, labMainsIdAppId); 
        getAllLabLines().then(data => { 
         angular.copy(data, labLines); 
         getAllLabMains().then(data => { 
          angular.copy(data, labMains); 
          result.push(generateProperMappings(companiesIdName, contactPersonsIdName, labMainsIdAppId, labMains, labLines)); 
     return deferred.promise; 

的問題是,這一功能(服務功能)是由控制器進行調用,但真正產生之前,它返回的結果數據... 這裏是電話:

var onLabLinesReceived = function (data) { 
    angular.copy(data, vm.labLines); 
labService.getLabMainAndLinesCombined().then(onLabLinesReceived, onError).finally(function() { vm.isBusy -= 1 }); 


labService.js:電源的53視圖生成和線結合contactsService.js:27個讓所有公司的ID名單labLinesTableController.js:35] < - 問題contactsService。 JS:36個獲得所有通訊錄ID名稱列表labService.js:15個讓所有實驗室電源labService.js:7個讓所有實驗室線labService.js:15個讓所有實驗室電源


有獨立的電話。使用$ q.all() –




var getLabMainAndLinesCombined = function() { 
    console.log("Generating view of mains and lines combined"); 
    var companiesIdName = []; 
    var contactPersonsIdName = []; 
    var labMainsIdAppId = []; 
    var labLines = []; 
    var labMains = []; 
    var result = []; 
    return contactsService.getCompaniesIdNameList().then(data => { 
     angular.copy(data, companiesIdName); 
     contactsService.getContactPersonsIdNameList().then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, contactPersonsIdName); 
      getLabMainsIdAppIdList().then(data => { 
       angular.copy(data, labMainsIdAppId); 
       getAllLabLines().then(data => { 
        angular.copy(data, labLines); 
        getAllLabMains().then(data => { 
         angular.copy(data, labMains); 
         result.push(generateProperMappings(companiesIdName, contactPersonsIdName, labMainsIdAppId, labMains, labLines)); 



爲什麼downvote? –



var getLabMainAndLinesCombined = function() { 
    var deferred = $q.defer(); 
    console.log("Generating view of mains and lines combined"); 
    var companiesIdName = []; 
    var contactPersonsIdName = []; 
    var labMainsIdAppId = []; 
    var labLines = []; 
    var labMains = []; 
    var result = []; 
    contactsService.getCompaniesIdNameList().then(data => { 
     angular.copy(data, companiesIdName); 
     contactsService.getContactPersonsIdNameList().then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, contactPersonsIdName); 
      getLabMainsIdAppIdList().then(data => { 
       angular.copy(data, labMainsIdAppId); 
       getAllLabLines().then(data => { 
        angular.copy(data, labLines); 
        getAllLabMains().then(data => { 
         angular.copy(data, labMains); 
         result.push(generateProperMappings(companiesIdName, contactPersonsIdName, labMainsIdAppId, labMains, labLines)); 
    // Resolve your promise here after all the data has been retrieved. 
    .then(() => {deferred.resolve(result)}); 

    return deferred.promise; 


var getLabMainAndLinesCombined = function() { 
    var deferred = $q.defer(); 
    console.log("Generating view of mains and lines combined"); 
    var companiesIdName = []; 
    var contactPersonsIdName = []; 
    var labMainsIdAppId = []; 
    var labLines = []; 
    var labMains = []; 
    var result = []; 

    // You can use hanging indentation and have then statements return 
    // The promises they are meant to sequentially resolve. That way 
    // the code is much more readable and gives a clearer picture of 
    // how the function works. 
     .then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, companiesIdName); 
      return contactsService.getContactPersonsIdNameList() 
     .then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, contactPersonsIdName); 
      return getLabMainsIdAppIdList(); 
     .then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, labMainsIdAppId); 
      return getAllLabLines() 
     .then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, labLines); 
      return getAllLabMains(); 
     .then(data => { 
      angular.copy(data, labMains); 
      result.push(generateProperMappings(companiesIdName, contactPersonsIdName, labMainsIdAppId, labMains, labLines)); 
     // Now when promise is complete it will renturn the list 
     .then(() => { deferred.promise; }); 
