2013-07-23 61 views


private class JsBridge implements JsCallback { 

    * @param handlerName method required 
    * @param jsonData data passed through from javascript 
    * @param jsCallback A callback to trigger when handler specified by handlername has finished, could be null 
    public void callHandler(final String handlerName, final String jsonData, final String jsCallback) { 
     Log.d(App.TAG, "Bridge call from JS, received " + handlerName); 

    public void onPageLoad(final String pageName) { 
     Log.d(App.TAG, "Bridge call from JS, received onPageLoad - we have the page name " + pageName); 


-keep public class * implements com.mixcloud.player.view.JsCallback 

-keepclassmembers class * implements com.mixcloud.player.view.JsCallback { 
-keep public class * implements com.mixcloud.player.view.JsCallback 

-keepattributes *Annotation* 
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface 
-keep public class com.mixcloud.player.view.JSRefreshWebView 
-keep public class com.mixcloud.player.view.JSRefreshWebView$JsBridge 
-keep public class * implements com.mixcloud.player.view.JSRefreshWebView$JsBridge 
-keepclassmembers class * implements com.mixcloud.player.view.JSRefreshWebView$JsBridge { 




-keepclassmembers class * { 
    @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>; 

保留它們稀釋是我認爲我的文檔中看到了這一點,在一片混亂中,我想我應該將該包與我的實際JavaScript接口類放在一起。這工作第一次! – serenskye


我有一個奇怪的情況,我導出我的應用程序使用上述配置,它在Android 2.3.7,但不是在Nexus 5(Android 4.2) – StarWars