我有2種方法。第一個不夠一般,第二個太慢。 我該如何做到這一點快速和所有的Unicode符號?
ununicode :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
ununicode s = LE.encodeUtf8 $ replace $ LE.decodeUtf8 s where
replace :: L.Text -> L.Text
replace "" = ""
replace string = case Map.lookup (L.take 6 string) table of
(Just x) -> L.append x (replace $ L.drop 6 string)
Nothing -> L.cons (L.head string) (replace $ L.tail string)
table = Map.fromList $ zip letters rus
rus = ["Ё", "ё", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "Ж", "З", "И", "Й", "К", "Л", "М",
"Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Х", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ", "Ъ", "Ы",
"Ь", "Э", "Ю", "Я", "а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "ж", "з", "и", "й", "к",
"л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ",
"ъ", "ы", "ь", "э", "ю", "я", "—"] :: [L.Text]
letters = ["\\u0401", "\\u0451", "\\u0410", "\\u0411", "\\u0412", "\\u0413",
"\\u0414", "\\u0415", "\\u0416", "\\u0417", "\\u0418", "\\u0419",
"\\u041a", "\\u041b", "\\u041c", "\\u041d", "\\u041e", "\\u041f",
"\\u0420", "\\u0421", "\\u0422", "\\u0423", "\\u0424", "\\u0425",
"\\u0426", "\\u0427", "\\u0428", "\\u0429", "\\u042a", "\\u042b",
"\\u042c", "\\u042d", "\\u042e", "\\u042f", "\\u0430", "\\u0431",
"\\u0432", "\\u0433", "\\u0434", "\\u0435", "\\u0436", "\\u0437",
"\\u0438", "\\u0439", "\\u043a", "\\u043b", "\\u043c", "\\u043d",
"\\u043e", "\\u043f", "\\u0440", "\\u0441", "\\u0442", "\\u0443",
"\\u0444", "\\u0445", "\\u0446", "\\u0447", "\\u0448", "\\u0449",
"\\u044a", "\\u044b", "\\u044c", "\\u044d", "\\u044e", "\\u044f",
"\\u2014"] :: [L.Text]
一些子而在第二個我用與foldl功能有限自動機。 (我想用正則表達式,但沒有發現任何的lib支持功能,而不是在子串像蟒蛇https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html#re.sub)
ununicode :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
ununicode s = LE.encodeUtf8 $ parts $ LE.decodeUtf8 s where
parts :: L.Text -> L.Text
parts = fst . parts' where
lst (_, _, x) = x
snd (_, x, _) = x
fst (x, _, _) = x
parts' :: L.Text -> (L.Text, Integer, L.Text)
parts' = L.foldl f ("", 0, "") where
f :: (L.Text, Integer, L.Text) -> Char -> (L.Text, Integer, L.Text)
f p n | snd p == 0 = case n of
('\\') -> (fst p, 2, lst p)
(x) -> (L.singleton n, 1, lst p)
| snd p == 1 = case n of
('\\') -> (fst p, 2, lst p)
(x) -> ((fst p) `L.snoc` n, 1, lst p)
| snd p == 2 = case n of
('u') -> (fst p, 3, lst p)
x -> ((L.snoc (L.snoc (fst p)
lst p)
| snd p == 3 = proc p n
proc :: (L.Text, Integer, L.Text) -> Char -> (L.Text, Integer, L.Text)
proc (text, 3, buff) n | isHexDigit n = (text, 3, buff `L.snoc` n)
| (len > 3) && (len < 6) = (L.append text
(replacedChoice buff n),
if n == '\\' then 2 else 1,
| otherwise = (L.append text
(L.append "\\u"
(choice buff n)),
if n == '\\' then 2 else 1,
L.empty) where
len = L.length buff
choice b n = if n == '\\' then b else L.snoc b n
replacedChoice b n = if n == '\\'
then repl b
else L.snoc (repl b) n
repl :: L.Text -> L.Text
repl "" = ""
repl s = (\v -> case v of
(Right x) -> L.singleton $ (\t -> toEnum t :: Char) $ fst x
(Left x) -> error $ "impossible" ++ (show x)) (hexadecimal s)
我只是跑我的測試(全部是非常快的,除了這一點),看時間。 喜歡的東西
it "converts url encoded string" $ do
(ununicode $ BL.pack $ concat $ replicate 1000 ("error:\\u041d\\u0435\\u0432\\u0435\\u0440\\u043d\\u044b\\u0439\\u100cc" :: String))
謝謝。我得到這個編碼的字符串使用aeson作爲懶惰ByteString,但我錯過了這個功能。我現在看了看源代碼,看起來像做我需要的東西。 – Aprectu