我敢肯定有一些簡單的,我在這裏失蹤,但我已經在這一個多星期&不能得到它想通了,所以我問。我會以我不是一個真正的程序員的方式來解釋我的問題!我是需要使用Google Apps腳本爲我們的G Suite網域中的所有用戶配置簽名的網絡/系統管理員。我已經有了一點bash /命令行/ PowerShell的經驗,但是當涉及到「真正的」編程語言時,我幾乎什麼都不知道。使用谷歌Apps腳本設置域用戶的電子郵件簽名
話雖這麼說,我在這裏How to use the Gmail API, OAuth2 for Apps Script, and Domain-Wide Delegation to set email signatures for users in a G Suite domain讀另一SO頁有關如何設置電子郵件簽名。當我第一次嘗試腳本時,我根本無法完成它。我已經修改了它&設法得到它現在進行認證,但沒有任何反應,當它到達的地方,應設置簽名的一部分,它只是似乎退出&這就是它!這裏是我的修改後的代碼減去任何私人位:
// Adapted from script at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40936257/how-to-use-the-gmail-api-oauth2-for-apps-script-and-domain-wide-delegation-to
// these two things are included in the .JSON file that you download when creating the service account and service account key
var OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL = '[email protected]erviceaccount.com';
function setSignatureTest() {
var email = '[email protected]';
var signature = 'my test signature';
var test = setSignature(email, signature);
Logger.log('test result: ' + test);
function setSignature(email, signature) {
Logger.log('starting setSignature');
var signatureSetSuccessfully = false;
var service = getDomainWideDelegationService('Gmail: ', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.basic', OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL);
if (!service.hasAccess()) {
Logger.log('failed to authenticate as user ' + OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL);
signatureSetSuccessfully = service.getLastError();
return signatureSetSuccessfully;
} else Logger.log('successfully authenticated as user ' + OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL);
var resource = { 'sendAsEmail' : email, 'userId' : OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL, 'signature' : signature };
var options =
'method' : 'put',
'contentType' : 'application/json',
'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken(),
'payload' : resource
var emailForUrl = encodeURIComponent(email);
var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/settings/sendAs/' + emailForUrl;
var maxSetSignatureAttempts = 1;
var currentSetSignatureAttempts = 0;
do {
try {
Logger.log('currentSetSignatureAttempts: ' + currentSetSignatureAttempts);
var setSignatureResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, JSON.stringify(options));
Logger.log('setSignatureResponse on successful attempt:' + setSignatureResponse);
signatureSetSuccessfully = true;
} catch(e) {
Logger.log('set signature failed attempt, waiting 3 seconds and re-trying');
if (currentSetSignatureAttempts >= maxSetSignatureAttempts) {
Logger.log('exceeded ' + maxSetSignatureAttempts + ' set signature attempts, deleting user and ending script');
Logger.log('URL: ' + url);
Logger.log('Value of JSON.stringify(options):' + JSON.stringify(options));
Logger.log('Value of setSignatureResponse:' + setSignatureResponse);
throw new Error('Something went wrong when setting their email signature.');
} while (!signatureSetSuccessfully);
return signatureSetSuccessfully;
function getDomainWideDelegationService(serviceName, scope, OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL) {
Logger.log('starting getDomainWideDelegationService for email: ' + OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL);
return OAuth2.createService(serviceName + OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL)
// Set the endpoint URL.
// Set the private key and issuer.
// Set the name of the user to impersonate. This will only work for
// Google Apps for Work/EDU accounts whose admin has setup domain-wide
// delegation:
// https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#delegatingauthority
// Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.
// Set the scope. This must match one of the scopes configured during the
// setup of domain-wide delegation.
[17-04-24 18:24:27:087 PDT] starting setSignature
[17-04-24 18:24:27:088 PDT] starting getDomainWideDelegationService for email: [email protected]serviceaccount.com
[17-04-24 18:24:27:521 PDT] successfully authenticated as user [email protected]serviceaccount.com
[17-04-24 18:24:27:550 PDT] currentSetSignatureAttempts: 1
[17-04-24 18:24:27:552 PDT] set signature failed attempt, waiting 3 seconds and re-trying
[17-04-24 18:24:30:554 PDT] exceeded 1 set signature attempts, deleting user and ending script
[17-04-24 18:24:30:554 PDT] URL: https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/settings/sendAs/user%40domain.com
[17-04-24 18:24:30:555 PDT] Value of JSON.stringify(options):{"method":"put","contentType":"application/json","Authorization":"Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx」,」payload":{"sendAsEmail」:」[email protected]」,」userId":"[email protected]serviceaccount.com","signature":"my test signature"}}
[17-04-24 18:24:30:556 PDT] Value of setSignatureResponse:undefined
[17-04-25 12:37:00:260 PDT] starting setSignature
[17-04-25 12:37:00:261 PDT] starting getDomainWideDelegationService for email: [email protected]serviceaccount.com
[17-04-25 12:37:00:278 PDT] successfully authenticated as user [email protected]serviceaccount.com
[17-04-25 12:37:00:289 PDT] currentSetSignatureAttempts: 1
[17-04-25 12:37:00:343 PDT] setSignatureResponse on successful attempt:{
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "failedPrecondition",
"message": "Bad Request"
"code": 400,
"message": "Bad Request"
[17-04-25 12:37:00:343 PDT] test result: true
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您需要將此更改爲有效ID'變種的電子郵件=「[email protected]」;'也許你的ID,以確保它改變了你的簽名 –