我正在使用jstree.js插件的某個項目模塊。 我通過Web服務調用獲取以下JSON:jsTree JSON問題
"attributes": {
}, {
"attributes": {
}, {
"attributes": {
"data" : "node_title",
"attr" : {
"id" : "node_identificator",
"some-other-attribute" : "attribute_value"
"children" : [ /* an array of child nodes objects */ ]
var new_avatar = new Array();
new_avatar = data.attributeSets;
// Hardcoded data for JSTree
var dirn = {};
var final_child = {};
dirn = "[";
final_child = "[";
for (var info in new_avatar) {
for (var detailInfo in new_avatar[info].attributes) {
ckey = detailInfo; // Key
cval = new_avatar[info].attributes[detailInfo]; // Key => Value
final_child += '{ "data": "' + ckey + '",';
final_child += ' "attr": { "rel":"directory" },';
final_child += ' "children": [ "' + cval + '" ] },';
final_child = final_child.substring(0, final_child.length - 1); //removing last comma so it would be a valid JSON
final_child += " ] "; //final close to this JSON
for (var info in new_avatar) {
dirn += '{ "data": "' + new_avatar[info].name + '" ,';
dirn += ' "attr": { "rel":"directory" }, ';
dirn += ' "children": ' + final_child + " }, ";
// Putting final_child in so it will build level 2 + level 3 (level 3 child is just value declared in final_child children above)
dirn = dirn.substring(0, dirn.length - 2); // removing whitespace + comma
dirn += " ] "; // this is main tree data var end box
dirn = $.parseJSON(dirn); // parse the whole dirn variable so it would be an array and ready to feed to jstree.
plugins: ['themes', 'json_data', "ui"],
json_data: {
"data": dirn,
themes: {
theme: 'default'
checkbox: {
real_checkboxes: true,
two_state: true
"types": {
"types": {
"disabled": {
"check_node": false,
"uncheck_node": false
"directory": {
"check_node": false,
"uncheck_node": false
你有嘗試通過** eval(data)**而不是直接傳遞數據嗎? –
由於評估是不好的做法,所以我沒有嘗試過! –
並非總是如此。你也可以(也必須)用JSON.parse解析JSON(myServiceResponseString) – Tommi