2012-10-29 217 views

我有兩個tcl文件。一個是主要的tcl文件(main.tcl),另外一個是用於主要tcl文件的幫助文件(help.tcl)。我想在主文件執行時從主文件執行該幫助文件。我使用命令「source filename」爲此。但我得到了一些錯誤。我發佈了兩個tcl文件,執行時發生了什麼錯誤。請幫我解決這個...TCL腳本錯誤

num_nodes is set 4 
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl 
Enter Source Node (0 to 4) 
Enter Destination Node (0 to 4) 
channel.cc:sendUp - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_ 
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 716.1 
ns: proc1: can't read "n0": no such variable 
    while executing 
"attach-CBR-traffic $n0 $sink1 64 0.07" 
    invoked from within 
"set inf0_1[attach-CBR-traffic $n0 $sink1 64 0.07]" 
    (file "final.tcl" line 1) 
    invoked from within 
"source.orig final.tcl" 
    ("uplevel" body line 1) 
    invoked from within 
"uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]" 
    invoked from within 
"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] { 
set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName] 
uplevel eval $buffer 
} else { 
uplevel source.orig [list $fileName] 
    (procedure "source" line 8) 
    invoked from within 
"source final.tcl" 
    (procedure "proc1" line 6) 
    invoked from within 


set val(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel ;# Channel Type 
set val(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagation model 
set val(netif)   Phy/WirelessPhy   ;# network interface type 
set val(mac)   Mac/802_11     ;# MAC type 
set val(ifq)   CMUPriQueue   ;# interface queue type 
set val(ll)    LL       ;# link layer type 
set val(ant)   Antenna/OmniAntenna  ;# antenna model 
set val(ifqlen)   340      ;# max packet in ifq 
set val(nn)    4       ;# number of mobilenodes 
set val(rp)    DSR      ;# routing protocol 
set val(x)  630   ;# X axis distance 
set val(y)  570   ;# Y axis distance 
set opt(energymodel) EnergyModel    ;# Initial Energy 
set opt(initialenergy) 100      ;# Initial energy in Joules 

set ns [new Simulator] 

set nam1 [open nam11.nam w] 
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $nam1 $val(x) $val(y) 

set trace1 [open trace11.tr w] 
$ns trace-all $trace1 
$ns use-newtrace 

set topo [new Topography] 
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y) 

create-god $val(nn) 
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.81 

$ns node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \ 
     -llType $val(ll) \ 
     -macType $val(mac) \ 
     -ifqType $val(ifq) \ 
     -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \ 
     -antType $val(ant) \ 
     -propType $val(prop) \ 
     -phyType $val(netif) \ 
     -topoInstance $topo \ 
     -agentTrace ON \ 
     -routerTrace ON \ 
     -macTrace ON \ 
     -movementTrace ON \ 
     -rxPower 0.36 \ 
     -txPower 0.14 \ 
      -channelType $val(chan) \ 
     -initialEnergy $opt(initialenergy) \ 
     -energyModel $opt(energymodel) \ 

for { set i 0 } {$i < $val(nn)} { incr i } { 
    set n($i) [$ns node] 
    $n($i) random-motion 0 
    $n($i) color black 
    $ns initial_node_pos $n($i) 30 

for { set i 0 } { $i < $val(nn)} { incr i } { 
    $ns at 0.0 "$n($i) color black" 
    $ns at 0.0 "$n($i) label-color maroon" 

$ns at 0.0 "$n(0) setdest 220.00 210 3000" 
$ns at 0.0 "$n(1) setdest 320.00 310 3000" 
$ns at 0.0 "$n(2) setdest 420.00 110 3000" 
$ns at 0.0 "$n(3) setdest 520.00 210 3000" 

for {set i 0} {$i<$val(nn)} {incr i} { 
    set sink($i) [new Agent/LossMonitor] 
    $ns attach-agent $n($i) $sink($i) 

proc attach-CBR-traffic { node sink size itval} { 
    #Get an instance of the simulator 
    set ns_ [Simulator instance] 
    set udp [new Agent/UDP] 
    $ns_ attach-agent $node $udp 
    #Create a CBR agent and attach it to the node 
    set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] 
    $cbr attach-agent $udp 
    $cbr set packetSize_ $size ;#sub packet size 
    $cbr set interval_ $itval 
    #Attach CBR source to sink; 
    $ns_ connect $udp $sink 
    return $cbr 
set cbr001 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(0) $sink(1) 256 0.082] 
$ns at 1.0 "$cbr001 start" 
$ns at 1.001 "$cbr001 stop" 

set cbr001 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(1) $sink(3) 256 0.082] 
$ns at 1.002 "$cbr001 start" 
$ns at 1.003 "$cbr001 stop" 

# neighbor node calculation 
set nbr [open Neighbor w] 
puts $nbr "\t\t\t\t\tNeighbor Detail" 
puts $nbr "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 
puts $nbr "\tNode\t\tNb node\t\tNode-Xpos\tNode-Ypos\tNb-Xpos\t\tNb-Ypos\t\tDistance(d)" 
puts $nbr "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 
close $nbr 

#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calculation of neighbor nodes of all node~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
proc distance { n1 n2 nd1 nd2} { 
    global c n bnd 
    set nbr [open Neighbor a] 
    set x1 [expr int([$n1 set X_])] 
    set y1 [expr int([$n1 set Y_])] 
    set x2 [expr int([$n2 set X_])] 
    set y2 [expr int([$n2 set Y_])] 
    set d [expr int(sqrt(pow(($x2-$x1),2)+pow(($y2-$y1),2)))] 
    if {$d<300} { 
    if {$nd2!=$nd1} { 
     puts $nbr "\t$nd1\t\t$nd2\t\t$x1\t\t$y1\t\t$x2\t\t$y2\t\t$d" 
    close $nbr 

for {set i 0} {$i <$val(nn)} {incr i} { 
    for {set j 0} {$j <$val(nn)} {incr j} { 
    $ns at 1.002 "distance $n($i) $n($j) $i $j" 

# For Input 
set f 1 
while {$f} { 
    puts "Enter Source Node (0 to 4)" 
    gets stdin src 
    puts "Enter Destination Node (0 to 4)" 
    gets stdin dst 
    if {$src>=0 && $src<5 && $dst>=0 && $dst<5 && $src!=$dst} { 
    set f 0 
    set sd [open srcdst w] 
    puts $sd "$src $dst" 
    close $sd 
    } else { 
    puts "\n\t---------Enter Proper Input-------\n" 


proc proc1 {} { 
    exec awk -f distance.awk srcdst Neighbor & 
    exec awk -f mm.awk snd & 
    exec awk -f mnode.awk min snd & 
    exec awk -f final.awk srcdst mnode & 
    source final.tcl 

$ns at 1.5 "proc1" 

proc proc2 {} { 
    global ns trace1 nam1 
    $ns flush-trace 
    close $trace1 
    close $nam1 
    exec nam nam11.nam & 
    exit 0 

$ns at 3.0 "proc2" 

$ns run 


set inf0_1[attach-CBR-traffic $n0 $sink1 64 0.07] 
$ns at2.1 "$inf0_1 start" 
$ns at2.3 "$inf0_1 stop" 
$ns at2.1 "$n(0) color green4" 
$ns at2.4 "$ns trace-annotate\"Node-0 send data to its neighbor1\"" 
set inf1_3[attach-CBR-traffic $n1 $sink3 64 0.07] 
$ns at2.1 "$inf1_3 start" 
$ns at2.3 "$inf1_3 stop" 
$ns at2.1 "$n(1) color green4" 
$ns at2.4 "$ns trace-annotate\"Node-1 send data to its neighbor3\"" 

您是否嘗試閱讀錯誤消息和堆棧跟蹤?它告訴你(直接)問題是什麼。它沒有告訴你(爲什麼不是'n0'設置?「),但這就是爲什麼你需要把你的智慧帶上。 –


感謝您的回答,我讀了那個錯誤..我知道是什麼問題,但我無法解決它...我提到舊程序,他們只有這樣...它意味着節點n0在主要.tcl和它在final.tcl中使用,並在final.tcl中再次聲明n0 ... – user1779084


感謝您的回覆,我閱讀了錯誤消息,並且知道問題所在。是否有可能或不使用在main.tcl – user1779084





set inf0_1 [attach-CBR-traffic $n0 $sink1 64 0.07] 
#  ^
#   | 
# BTW, unrelated to the error, there is also a missing space here which 
# is probably not what you intended. 





set inf0_1 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(0) $sink(1) 64 0.07] 
#        ^ ^



proc proc1 {} { 
    global n sink 
    # ... 
    source final.tcl 


global n sink 
set inf0_1 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(0) $sink(1) 64 0.07] 
# ... 


set inf0_1 [attach-CBR-traffic $::n(0) $::sink(1) 64 0.07] 


以下頁面也是一個很好的介紹to tcl:An Introduction to Tcl Scripting


中聲明的final.tcl中的節點感謝您的回答...我在main.tcl中聲明瞭n0。是否有可能在第二個tcl文件中使用(final.tcl_ – user1779084


我在main.tcl中沒有看到它,你確定它在嗎?它不在上面的代碼中。 – slebetman


請看看「node creation」在for循環中,該循環將創建節點,如n0,n1,n2,n3 – user1779084