2013-07-31 73 views



For j = 1 To 2 
    For k = 1 To 39 
     If k <= 29 Then 
      'Looks at all the files in the folder for the given Quarter 
      SourceFolderName = FolderPath & "\" & Quarters(1, j) 
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(SourceFolderName) 
     End If 

     If k > 29 Then 
      SourceFolderName = FolderPath & "\" & Quarters(k, j) 
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(SourceFolderName) 
     End If 

     For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
      i = 1 
      NotAssigned = True 
      'Keep going until we match the file 
      While NotAssigned = True 
       'If the beginning of the file name matches for a given state, 
       'assign the file name to that state for this quarter 
       If Left(objFile.Name, 9) = StateAbbr(i, 1) & Quarters(i, j) & "FA" Then 
        WBName(i, j) = objFile.Name 
        'Stop trying to match the file 
        NotAssigned = False 
       End If 
       If i = 39 Then NotAssigned = False 
       i = i + 1 
     Next objFile 
     Set objFile = Nothing 
     Set objFolder = Nothing 
     Set objFSO = Nothing 
    Next k 
Next j 

有幾件事。 (1)'Set objFSO = CreateObject(「Scripting.FileSystemObject」)'應該在所有循環之外。 (2)'SourceFolderName = FolderPath&「\」&Quarters(1,j)Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(SourceFolderName)'應該在'k'循環之外,因爲它只使用'i'變量。 (3)我認爲你可以使用帶有通配符的DIR,而不是測試每個文件。請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10380312/loop-through-files-in-a-folder-using-vba/10382861#10382861 – brettdj


嗨,我不知道如何使用DIR進行轉換。原因是我有太多的循環和條件正在進行。你能幫助我嗎?謝謝。 – Futochan


謝謝@brettdj。直到你提到之前,我都不會想到DIR。現在我的運行時間從40分鐘減少到2秒。謝謝!!!對於那些有興趣的人,我把我的解決方案放在最前面。 – Futochan




Dim StrFile As String 
For j = 1 To 2 
    For i = 1 To 39 
     StrFile = Dir(FolderPath & "\" & Quarters(i, j) & "\*FA*") 
    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 
     If Left(StrFile, 9) = StateAbbr(i, 1) & Quarters(i, j) & "FA" Then 
      WBName(i, j) = StrFile 
     End If 
     StrFile = Dir 
    Next i 
Next j 

+1。 thx回來,並關閉了這一點。 – brettdj
