錯誤出現在Android項目使用ormlite 我得到的編譯錯誤在此代碼:泛型編譯錯誤
public class DatabaseModel {
private Dao<Object, Integer> mDao = null;
private DatabaseHelper mHelper;
private Class<?> mClass;
public DatabaseModel(DatabaseHelper h, Class<?> c) {
mHelper = h;
mClass = c;
try {
mDao = mHelper.getDao(mClass);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Debug.e("Can't get dao", e.getStackTrace());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
on line 25 mDao = mHelper.getDao(mClass);
Error: type parameters of <D>D cannot be determined; no unique maximal
instance exists for type variable D with upper bounds
com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao<capture#296 of ?,?>
錯誤類似於to this SO question 。
我的配置: 的IntelliJ IDEA 11.0.2 構建#IC-111.277 內置1個Февраль2012г. JDK:1.6.0_29 VM:Java的熱點(TM)64位服務器VM 廠商:蘋果公司
我想看一下'DatabaseHelper.getDao()'方法。 – Malcolm 2012-02-23 10:36:27
ofcourse!你可以從http://ormlite.com/ – 2012-02-23 11:36:24
下載源代碼但是沒有名爲DatabaseHelper的類。 – Malcolm 2012-02-23 14:23:39