2012-06-09 61 views

我試圖在C中使用數組創建Binary Min Heap。我編寫了代碼並多次嘗試用「筆和紙」來執行它,它似乎工作。你能幫我理解爲什麼它會失敗嗎?使用陣列創建堆時出錯


#include <stdlib.h> 

void swapInt(int *a, int *b) { 
    int aux = *a; 
    *a = *b; 
    *b = aux; 

typedef struct intHeapArray { 
    int *array; 
    int size; 
} IntHeapArray; 

IntHeapArray newIntHeapArray (int dim) { 
    IntHeapArray new; 
    new.array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*dim); 
    new.size = 0; 
    return new; 

int findFather (int index) { 
    return (index - 1)/2; 

int findLeftChild (int index) { 
    return index * 2 + 1; 

int findRightChild (int index) { 
    return index * 2 + 2; 

int minFatherChilds (IntHeapArray h, int index) { 
    int leftchild = findLeftChild(index); 
    int rightchild = findRightChild(index); 
    if (rightchild >= h.size) 
     rightchild = leftchild; 
    if (h.array[index] > h.array[leftchild]) 
     index = leftchild; 
    if (h.array[index] > h.array[rightchild]) 
     index = rightchild; 
    return index; 

void reorganizeIntHeapArray (IntHeapArray *h, int index) { 
    int father, leftchild, child; 
    father = findFather(index); 
    while (index > 0 && h->array[index] < h->array[father]) { 
     swapInt(&h->array[index], &h->array[father]); 
     index = father; 
    leftchild = findLeftChild(index); 
    while (leftchild < h->size && index != minFatherChilds(*h, index)) { 
     child = minFatherChilds(*h, index); 
     swapInt(&h->array[index], &h->array[child]); 
     index = child; 

void enqueueIntHeapArray (IntHeapArray *h, int val) { 
    h->array[h->size] = val; 
    reorganizeIntHeapArray(h, h->size - 1); 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "heap.h" 

void printIntArray (int *a, int dim) { 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < dim - 1; i++) 
     printf("%d, ", a[i]); 
    printf("%d]\n", a[dim-1]); 

int main() { 
    IntHeapArray h; 
    int n, i, val; 

    printf("How many value would you like to add to the heap? "); 
    scanf("%d", &n); 

    h = newIntHeapArray(n); 

    printf("Insert values:\n"); 
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
     scanf("%d", &val); 
     enqueueIntHeapArray(&h, val); 

    printf("This is your heap:\n"); 
    printIntArray(h.array, h.size); 

    return 0; 

代碼編譯。試試這個輸入:6 3 8 9 2 0。 它會打印:[3, 2, 0, 9, 6, 8]這顯然是錯誤的。但我真的不明白我錯在哪裏。


要求陌生人通過檢查發現代碼中的錯誤並不富有成效。您應該使用調試器來逐步執行您的程序,並確定其行爲與您期望的不同之處。 –


你認爲應該打印什麼?你爲什麼不在問題中這麼說?準確地說,這是個好主意。 –


我沒有寫出它應該打印的內容,因爲我鏈接了關於Binary Min Heap的頁面。輸出應該是:[0,3,2,9,6,8]。這是根據「筆和紙」執行(我希望它是正確的)。當然,我應該有0作爲第一個值。最低值必須是該數據結構中的第一個值。 – Zagorax




void reorganizeIntHeapArray (IntHeapArray *h, int index) { 
    int father, leftchild, child; 
    father = findFather(index); 
    while (index > 0 && h->array[index] < h->array[father]) { 
     swapInt(&h->array[index], &h->array[father]); 
     index = father; 
     father = findFather(index); 
    leftchild = findLeftChild(index); 
    while (leftchild < h->size && index != minFatherChilds(*h, index)) { 
     child = minFatherChilds(*h, index); 
     swapInt(&h->array[index], &h->array[child]); 
     index = child; 
     leftchild = findLeftChild(index); 

我只更新索引值,而不是父親的。所以在第一次切換之後,它將h-> array [index]與自己進行比較,而不是與其新的父親進行比較。



非常好,感謝您的反饋! – sarnold