2013-05-07 61 views



     <parastyle name="Headline Bold" uid="876"/> 
     <parastyle name="Head babies-recipe" uid="877"/> 
     <parastyle name="Byline Paper" uid="885"/> 
     <parastyle name="Byline Name" uid="886"/> 
     <parastyle name="Body Copy" uid="904"/> 
     <charstyle name="[None]" uid="103"/> 
    <story name="body"> 
      <run p="886" c="103">By AUTHOR NAME 
       <run p="885" c="103">Local Writer 
      <run p="904" c="103">CITY — Borough Police en 
       <eol hyphenated="true"/> 
       countered three men in separate cases 
       recently who all claimed they had for 
       <eol hyphenated="true"/> 
       gotten they were carrying drugs or drug 
       paraphernalia until an officer started 
       asking questions. 
      <run p="877" c="103"> 
       Forgot joints 
      <run p="904" c="103"> 
       In another case, City 
       Police were called to a home 
       on LaSalle Street March 30 
       for a report of a man banging 
       on the door. 
      <run p="877" c="103"> 
       Forgot pipe 
      <run p="904" c="103"> 
       In a third case, Ptlm. Raf 
       <eol hyphenated="true"/> 
       ferty spotted a young man 
       running along West Second 
       Street and ducking into an 
       area near the Salvation Army 
       drop-off on March 28 around 
       1:40 a.m. 


<xsl:template match="run[@p='877']"> 
    <xsl:text>&lt;strong&gt;</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/><xsl:text>&lt;/strong&gt;</xsl:text> 

此包裹有期望的標籤選擇的行。但是,我真正需要的是用任何名稱爲「Head babies-recipe」的行包裝。到目前爲止,他們都有一個「877」uid,並使用運行[@ p ='877']已經工作。然而,可能有一個實例是uid不是「877」。因此,需要我的'匹配'語句來尋找一個where p等同於名稱爲「Head babies-recipe」的parastyle的uid。這有點複雜,我還沒有能夠爲此提供可用的XSL。




它應該是類似的東西(關於 「的署名」):

run[@p=/article/parastyles/parastyle[@name='Byline Name']/@uid] 

謝謝!我的情況的最終XSL是: ' <strong> </strong > CMarcera 2013-05-07 17:40:31