在我的情況下,例如,如果我有約翰在A2,A3 & A7我想要vb剪切所有3行(A2,A3 & A7)並粘貼到另一個表。
在我的情況下,例如,如果我有約翰在A2,A3 & A7我想要vb剪切所有3行(A2,A3 & A7)並粘貼到另一個表。
Sub removedup()
Dim x As Integer
Dim unique() As String
ReDim unique(0)
Dim dups() As String
ReDim dups(0)
Dim dupFlag As Boolean
Dim dupCount As Integer
Dim rowcount As Integer
Dim sheet2indexer As Integer
'get array of all unique names
dupFlag = False
x = 1
Do While Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value <> ""
For y = 0 To UBound(unique)
If Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value = unique(y) Then
dupFlag = True
End If
Next y
If dupFlag = False Then
ReDim Preserve unique(UBound(unique) + 1)
unique(UBound(unique)) = Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value
dupFlag = False
End If
x = x + 1
rowcount = x - 1
'unique(1 to unbound(unique)) now contains one of each entry
'check which values are duplicates, and record
dupCount = 0
For y = 1 To UBound(unique)
x = 1
Do While Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value <> ""
If unique(y) = Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value Then
dupCount = dupCount + 1
End If
x = x + 1
If dupCount > 1 Then
'unique(y) is found more than once
ReDim Preserve dups(UBound(dups) + 1)
dups(UBound(dups)) = unique(y)
End If
dupCount = 0
Next y
sheet2indexer = 0
'now we have a list of all duplicate entries, time to start moving rows
For z = rowcount To 1 Step -1
For y = 1 To UBound(dups)
If Sheets(1).Cells(z, 1).Value = dups(y) Then
'current row z is a duplicate
sheet2indexer = sheet2indexer + 1
Sheets(1).Rows(z).Cut Sheets(2).Rows(sheet2indexer)
End If
Next y
Next z
End Sub
是的完全一樣!感謝一百萬user3479671。這節省了我很多時間:) – spittingfire 2015-02-06 16:35:29
沒問題。我希望你能從中學習,所以將來你可以自己去做。 – user3479671 2015-02-06 16:38:34