import java.util.Scanner; // Allows for use of scanner in class
public class MeasurementConversion // Start of class
public static void main(String[]args) // Start of main
Scanner readConsole = new Scanner(System.in); // This is the scanner
String convert;
double poundAmount; // These are the doubles that store the measurements
double kilogAmount;
double ounceAmount;
double gramAmount;
double feetAmount;
double meterAmount;
double mileAmount;
double kilomAmount;
System.out.println("Hello, I am a conversion calculator. I can convert pounds to kilograms, ounces to grams,"); // This is where the scanner begins prompting the user for input
System.out.println("feet to meters, miles to kilometers, and vice versa.");
System.out.println("What would you like to convert?");
convert = readConsole.nextLine();
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("pounds to kilograms")) // This converts from pounds to kilograms
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of pounds you know?");
poundAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
kilogAmount = poundAmount * .4536;
System.out.println("That is " + kilogAmount + " kilograms.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("kilograms to pounds")) // This converts from kilograms to pounds
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of kilograms you know?");
kilogAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
poundAmount = kilogAmount * 2.20462;
System.out.println("That is " + poundAmount + " pounds.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("ounces to grams")) // This converts from ounces to grams
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of ounces you know?");
ounceAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
gramAmount = ounceAmount * 28.5;
System.out.println("That is " + gramAmount + " grams.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("grams to ounces")) // This converts from grams to ounces
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of grams you know?");
gramAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
ounceAmount = gramAmount * .035274;
System.out.println("That is " + ounceAmount + " ounces.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("feet to meters")) // This converts from feet to meters
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of feet you know?");
feetAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
meterAmount = feetAmount * .3048;
System.out.println("That is " + meterAmount + " meters.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("meters to feet")) // This converts from meters to feet
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of meters you know?");
meterAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
feetAmount = meterAmount * 3.28084;
System.out.println("That is " + feetAmount + " feet.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("miles to kilometers")) // This converts from miles to kilometers
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of miles you know?");
mileAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
kilomAmount = mileAmount * 1.61;
System.out.println("That is " + kilomAmount + " kilometers.");
} // End of if statement
if (convert.equalsIgnoreCase("kilometers to miles")) // This converts from kilometers to miles
System.out.println("Ok, what is the amount of kilometers you know?");
kilomAmount = readConsole.nextDouble();
mileAmount = kilomAmount * .621371;
System.out.println("That is " + mileAmount + " miles.");
} // End of if statement
} // End of main
} // End of class
如果你的任務是創建其他方法,那麼你應該這樣做。你只有一個方法,main。 –
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/methods.html – OldProgrammer
當你在這,你可能要考慮多少代碼的重複使用小的差異,你如何能夠重構它。 – ChiefTwoPencils