2013-03-31 30 views

我試圖使用if語句去導演遊戲項目中的兩個不同的框架,但是儘管我已經去了第32幀的一組,並去了第31幀的另一個,他們都去到同一幀31.我做錯了什麼?我無法弄清楚。 (見這裏的代碼示例:)導演Lingo問題 - 請參閱代碼


on timeOut 

    if the timer >= 360 and sprite(16).visible = 1 then 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME UP" 

    end if 

    if the timer >= 360 and sprite(15).visible = 1 then 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME UP" 

    end if 

    if the timer >= 360 and sprite(14).visible = 1 then 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME UP" 

    end if 

    if the timer >= 360 and sprite(13).visible = 1 then 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME UP" 
    end if 

if the timer > 350 and sprite(16).visible = 0 then 
    member ("endIt").text = "LUNCH IS FOR THE BIRDS" 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME FLIES" 
    end if 

    if the timer > 350 and sprite(15).visible = 0 then 
    member ("endIt").text = "LUNCH IS FOR THE BIRDS" 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME FLIES" 
    end if 

    if the timer > 350 and sprite(14).visible = 0 then 
    member ("endIt").text = "LUNCH IS FOR THE BIRDS" 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME FLIES" 
    end if 

    if the timer > 350 and sprite(13).visible = 0 then 
    member ("endIt").text = "LUNCH IS FOR THE BIRDS" 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME FLIES" 
    end if 

    if the timer > 350 and sprite(12).visible = 0 then 
    member ("endIt").text = "LUNCH IS FOR THE BIRDS" 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME FLIES" 
    end if 




你不想使用一個else語句嗎? – Ohiovr





if the timer >= 360 and sprite(16).visible = 1 then 
    member ("tellIt").text = "TIME UP" 
end if