2017-02-20 26 views


var value_fields_value = []; 
    var value_fields_alert = []; 
    var Variables = []; 
    var e; 

    value_fields_value = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[id^=value_]')); 
    for(var i in value_fields_value){ 
     Variables.push(new Element(value_fields_value[i], new Adresse(value_fields_value[i].id.toString().replace('value_', ''), null, null, null, null))); 

這應該在Internet Explorer上工作過,但我得到錯誤信息 「預期的JScript對象」。

有沒有人有想法該怎麼辦? (不使用jquery)



的[IE8不支持querySelectorAll]可能的複製(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16920365/ie8-does-not-support- queryselectorall) –





var value_fields_alert = []; 
var Variables = []; 
var e; 

// No need to pre-declare this to an empty array when you are just going 
// to initialize it to an array anyway 
var value_fields_value = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[id^=value_]')); 

// You can loop through an array in many ways, but the most traditional and backwards compatible 
// is a simply for counting loop: 
for(var i = 0; i < value_fields_value.length; ++i){ 
    Variables.push(new Element(value_fields_value[i], new Adresse(value_fields_value[i].id.toString().replace('value_', ''), null, null, null, null))); 

// Or, you can use the more modern approach: 

// The Array.prototype.forEach() method is for looping through array elements 
// It takes a function as an argument and that function will be executed for 
// each element in the array. That function will automatically be passed 3 arguments 
// that represent the element being iterated, the index of the element and the array itself 
value_fields_value.forEach(function(el, in, ar){ 
    Variables.push(new Element(el, new Adresse(el.id.toString().replace('value_', ''), null, null, null, null))); 
