2009-07-03 159 views

我在寫一個需要打印高分辨率.tiff圖像的程序。我遇到的問題是我無法打印質量很好的.tiff文件。由於.tiff的大尺寸(例如8700x7200),它不適合任何標準尺寸的紙張。我試圖增加新聞部,但似乎沒有任何影響。我可以讓.tiff適合頁面的唯一方法就是縮小它。但那時圖像質量可怕。 (我將其縮小到適合11x17,但只有1100x1700的指示分辨率)。我試着改變打印機上的分辨率,嘗試手動和編程設置打印機的質量/分辨率,但沒有成功。基本上我希望能夠將更多的.tiff像素放到11x17頁面上,所以我不需要增加比例。我認爲增加打印dpi會增加11x17英寸的像素數量,但是我看不到任何效果。也許我做錯了什麼。任何幫助將不勝感激。謝謝。提高圖像的打印質量


private void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ev) 
     //float x = ev.MarginBounds.Left; 
     //float y = ev.MarginBounds.Top; 
      //ResizeImage(@"H:\21RR-G0K-30140-0220-0002.tiff", @"H:\21RR-G0K-30140-0220-0002-new.tiff", 500, 900, false); 
      Image tempImage = Image.FromFile(@"H:\21RR-G0K-30140-0220-0002.tiff"); 
      Bitmap bMap = new Bitmap(tempImage); 
      bMap.SetResolution(1200, 1200); 
      string l = ""; 
      tempImage = bMap; 
      /*if (tempImage.Width > tempImage.Height) //if poster is longer then it is tall, rotate the image. Done to match standard printing aspect ratios 
       Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(tempImage); //Need to convert to Bitmap type to do rotation 
       RotateBicubic rotationFilter = new RotateBicubic(90, true); 
       tempImage = rotationFilter.Apply(tempBitmap); 
      float ImageAspectRatio = (float)tempImage.Height/(float)tempImage.Width; 
      float PageSizeAspectRatio = (float)_pSize.Height/(float)_pSize.Width; //_pSize is the selected printing sheet size 
      if (ImageAspectRatio < 1 && PageSizeAspectRatio > 1) //Need to rotate Image. Can't attempt to rotate tempImage due to size. Scale then rotate. 
       double x_scale = (double)_pSize.Width/(double)tempImage.Height; 
       double y_scale = (double)_pSize.Height/(double)tempImage.Width; 
       int percent = 0; 
       if (y_scale < x_scale) 
        percent = Convert.ToInt32(y_scale * 100); 
        percent = Convert.ToInt32(x_scale * 100); 
       Image myImage = ImageManipulation.ScaleByPercent(tempImage, percent); //I know this line is the problem, but I can't fit the image on the page without massive scaling due to the page reolution restraints 
       Bitmap tempMap = new Bitmap(myImage); 
       tempMap.SetResolution(1200, 1200); 
       RotateBicubic rotateBC = new RotateBicubic(90); 
       Image finalImage = rotateBC.Apply(tempMap); //rotate the image 90 degrees using bicubic interpolation. This isn't what's killing the quality as the quality is no better with this disabled 
       ev.Graphics.DrawImage(finalImage, 0, 0); 
      else if (ImageAspectRatio >= 1 && PageSizeAspectRatio >= 1) //No Need for rotation 
       double x_scale = (double)_pSize.Width/(double)tempImage.Width; 
       double y_scale = (double)_pSize.Height/(double)tempImage.Height; 
       int percent = 0; 
       if (y_scale < x_scale) 
        percent = Convert.ToInt32(y_scale * 100); 
        percent = Convert.ToInt32(x_scale * 100); 

       Image myImage = ImageManipulation.ScaleByPercent(tempImage, percent); 
       ev.Graphics.DrawImage(myImage, 0, 0); 



     catch(Exception ex) 
      string breakingpoint = ""; 




它也可能是最好的使用設備座標系或GDI + HIENGLISH單位(我認爲這就是對打印設備上下文中使用。)

使用的DrawImage命令你要最好的縮放圖像從GDI +獲得的是HighQualityBicubic Resampling。

    Private Sub pd_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles pd.PrintPage 

     Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile("SAMPLE.TIF") 

     Dim imageWidth As Integer = CInt((img.Width/img.HorizontalResolution) * 100) 
     Dim imageHeight As Integer = CInt((img.Height/img.VerticalResolution) * 100) 

     If imageWidth > e.PageBounds.Width Then 
      Dim ratio As Double = imageWidth/imageHeight 
      imageWidth = e.PageBounds.Width 
      If ratio < 1 Then 
       imageHeight = CInt(imageWidth * ratio) 
       imageHeight = CInt(imageWidth/ratio) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If imageHeight > e.PageBounds.Height Then 
      Dim ratio As Double = imageHeight/imageWidth 
      imageHeight = e.PageBounds.Height 
      If ratio < 1 Then 
       imageWidth = CInt(imageHeight * ratio) 
       imageWidth = CInt(imageHeight/ratio) 
      End If 
     End If 

     e.Graphics.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic 
     e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight) 

    End Sub 




任何你推薦的?現在我正在使用AForge圖像庫 – Megatron 2009-07-03 17:48:10