2016-09-15 56 views

因此,我有一個在單元格A2中開始的Excel中的商業名稱列表,下拉到A3,A4等等。我需要做的是檢索這些企業的地址,並返回它旁邊的單元格中的地址(B2,B3,B4 ...)。如何使用VBA,Excel搜索Google的公司名稱和返回地址



我首先閱讀[Google API文檔](https://developers.google.com/maps/web-services/overview)。 – Comintern


這個問題在很多形式上都被問及無數次。請搜索Google和/或SO本身的方法。你應該很快找到一些代碼,所以使用它,當你陷入困境時,你可以問一些關於它的具體問題。最後,是的,有一種方法。 – BruceWayne


我在這裏發佈之前已經做了大量的研究,並且找不到適合我的東西!只是問一個問題,看看有沒有人可以幫助我。 – MRW93



取決於你打算用這些數據做什麼,Bing地圖可能不是一個選擇,因爲terms of use有以下限制:





enter image description here

Sub myTest() 
    Dim xhrRequest As XMLHTTP60 
    Dim domDoc As DOMDocument60 
    Dim domDoc2 As DOMDocument60 
    Dim placeID As String 
    Dim query As String 
    Dim nodes As IXMLDOMNodeList 
    Dim node As IXMLDOMNode 

    Dim rng As Range, cell As Range 

    Set rng = Range("A1:A5") 

    For Each cell In rng 

    'you have to replace spaces with + 
    query = cell.Value 

    'You must acquire a google api key and enter it here 
    Dim googleKey As String 
    googleKey = "your_specific_key_goes_here" 'your api key here 

    'Send a "GET" request for place/textsearch 
    Set xhrRequest = New XMLHTTP60 

    xhrRequest.Open "GET", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/xml?" & _ 
     "query=" & query & "&key=" & googleKey, False 

    'Save the response into a document 
    Set domDoc = New DOMDocument60 
    domDoc.LoadXML xhrRequest.responseText 

    'Find the first node that is called "place_id" and is the child of the "result" node 
    placeID = domDoc.SelectSingleNode("//result/place_id").Text 

    'recycling objects (could just use new ones) 
    Set domDoc = Nothing 
    Set xhrRequest = Nothing 

    'Send a "GET" request for place/details 
    Set xhrRequest = New XMLHTTP60 
    xhrRequest.Open "GET", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/xml?placeid=" & placeID & _ 
    "&key=" & googleKey, False 

    'Save the response into a document 
    Set domDoc = New DOMDocument60 
    domDoc.LoadXML xhrRequest.responseText 

    Dim output As String 
    Dim s As String 

    'hacky way to get postal code, you might want to rewrite this after learning more 
    Set nodes = domDoc.SelectNodes("//result/address_component/type") 
    For Each node In nodes 
     s = node.Text 
     If s = "street_number" Then 
      'this is bad, you should search for "long_name", what i did here was assume that "long_name was the first child" 
      'output = vbNewLine & "Postal Code: " & node.ParentNode.FirstChild.Text 
      cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Address: " & node.ParentNode.FirstChild.Text 
     End If 

     If s = "postal_code" Then 
      'this is bad, you should search for "long_name", what i did here was assume that "long_name was the first child" 
      'output = vbNewLine & "Postal Code: " & node.ParentNode.FirstChild.Text 
      cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "Postal Code: " & node.ParentNode.FirstChild.Text 
     End If 
    Next node 

    Next cell 
    'MsgBox "Formatted Address: " & domDoc.SelectSingleNode("//result/formatted_address").Text & output 
End Sub 


