2017-07-31 48 views

大家好:我早些時候發佈了,得到了80%的幫助,但希望爲其他人開放與R中的which()函數類似的問題:哪個()函數在R - 按降序排序後,與重複值匹配的問題



請注意,所有的商店運行,只有100個左右的商店,與另一家商店有相同的郵編被絆倒了 - 我不想手動通過和編輯csv。

source<-read.csv("C:\\Users\\mcan\Desktop\\Projects\\Closest Store\\Site and Zip.csv",header=TRUE, sep=",") #open 
zip<-source[,2] #break apart the source zip codes 
ID<-source[,1] #break apart the IDs 
zip<-clean.zipcodes(zip) #clean up the zipcodes 
CleanedData<-data.frame(ID,zip) #combine the IDs and cleaned Zip codes 
CleanedData<-merge(x=CleanedData,y=zipcode,by="zip",all.x=TRUE) #dataset of store IDs, zipcodes, and their long/lat positions 
setDT(CleanedData) #set data frame to data table 
storeDistances <- distm(CleanedData[,.(longitude,latitude)],CleanedData[,.(longitude,latitude)]) #matrix between long/lat points of all stores in list 
colnames(storeDistances) <- rownames(storeDistances) <- CleanedData[,ID] 
whatsClosest <- function(number=1){ 
    apply(storeDistances,1,function(x) (colnames(storeDistances)[which(x==sort(x)[number+1])])) #sorts in descending order and picks the 2nd closest distance, matches with storeID 
CleanedData[,firstClosestSite:=whatsClosest(1)] #looks for 1st closest store 
CleanedData[,secondClosestSite:=whatsClosest(2)] #looks for 2nd closest store 
CleanedData[,thirdClosestSite:=whatsClosest(3)] #looks for 3rd closest store 


Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 1206 obs. of 9 variables: 
    $ zip    : Factor w/ 1182 levels "","02345",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 
    $ ID    : int 11111 12222 13333 10528 ... 
    $ city    : chr "Boston" "Somerville" "Cambridge" "Weston" ... 
    $ state   : chr "MA" "MA" "MA" "MA" ... 
    $ latitude   : num 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 ... 
    $ longitude  : num -70.0 -70.1 -70.2 -70.3 -70.4 ... 
    $ firstClosestSite :List of 1206 
     ..$ : chr "12345" 
    $ secondClosestSite :List of 1206 
     ..$ : chr "12344" 
    $ thirdClosestSite :List of 1206 
     ..$ : chr "12343" 


StoreID  Zip  City  State Longitude Latitude FirstClosestSite 
11222  11000  Boston  MA  40.0  -70.0 c("11111""12222") 

SecondClosestSite  ThirdClosestSite 
c("11111" "12222") 13333 


11111 22222  33333 44444 55555 66666 
11111 0  6000 32000 36000 28000 28000 
22222 6000 0  37500 40500 32000 32000 
33333 32000 37500 0  11000 6900 6900 
44444 36000 40500 11000 0  8900 8900 
55555 28000 32000 6900 8900 0  0 
66666 28000 32000 6900 8900 0  0 



你能提供一個你的數據集樣本和你正在尋找的最終結果嗎? –


@OriolMirosa剛剛編輯!例如,需要在站點11111或12222之間做出決定 - 通過CSV並修復這些行太麻煩了〜有什麼想法? :P – mcando


@OriolMirosa我正在尋找哪個()函數的替代方案 – mcando



這是我的解決方案。一直到colnames(storeDistances) <- ...的行保持不變。在這之後,你應該替換爲以下代碼:

whatsClosestList <- sapply(as.data.frame(storeDistances), function(x) list(data.frame(distance = x, store = rownames(storeDistances), stringsAsFactors = F))) 

# Get the names of the stores 
# this step is necessary because lapply doesn't allow us 
# to access the list names 
storeNames = names(whatsClosestList) 

# Iterate through each store's data frame using storeNames 
# and delete the distance to itself 
whatsClosestListRemoveSelf <- lapply(storeNames, function(name) { 
    df <- whatsClosestList[[name]] 
    df <- df[!df$store == name,] 

# The previous step got rid of the store names in the list, 
# so we add them again here 
names(whatsClosestListRemoveSelf) <- storeNames 

whatsClosestOrderedList <- lapply(whatsClosestListRemoveSelf, function(df) { df[order(df$distance),] }) 

whatsClosestTopThree <- lapply(whatsClosestOrderedList, function(df) { df$store[1:3] }) 

firstClosestSite <- lapply(whatsClosestTopThree, function(x) { x[1]}) 
secondClosestSite <- lapply(whatsClosestTopThree, function(x) { x[2]}) 
thirdClosestSite <- lapply(whatsClosestTopThree, function(x) { x[3]}) 

CleanedData[,firstClosestSite:=firstClosestSite] #looks for 1st closest store in list 
CleanedData[,secondClosestSite:=secondClosestSite] #looks for 2nd closest store in list 
CleanedData[,thirdClosestSite:=thirdClosestSite] #looks for 3rd closest store in list 



是的,當我複製這個時,我忘記了等號。我很高興它現在可以工作! –