我有一個反應函數(datasplit)除了根據值sliderInput對數據進行子集化之外什麼都不做。 而我的第二個反應函數(selectedData)應該從第一個反應函數中獲取子集數據,並根據SelectInput再次過濾列。在反應函數之間傳遞數據 - Shiny R
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("xcol", "X Variable", names(data[,c(2)])),
selectInput("ycol", "Y Variable", names(data[,c(1)])),
sliderInput(inputId = "cost",
label = "Kosten",
value = 1000, min = 1, max = 5000),
sliderInput(inputId = "count",
label = "Anzahl Fälle",
value = 500, min = 1, max = 2000),
numericInput("clusters", "Anzahl Cluster", 3, min=1, max= 9),
plotOutput(outputId = "plot1")
server <- function(input, output){
DealerDF <- read.csv(file = "dealer_category.csv",header = T)
data <- DealerDF
datasplit <- reactive({
subset(data, input$xcol() < input$cost() & input$ycol() < input$count())
selectedData <- reactive({
#this seems to be not working
datasplit()[, c(input$xcol(), input$ycol())]
clusters <- reactive({
kmeans(selectedData(), input$clusters)
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
if (!is.null(selectedData())) {
par(mar= c(5.1, 4.1,0,1))
col= clusters()$cluster,
pch= 20, cex=3)
points(clusters()$centers, pch=4, cex=4, lwd=4)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
cnt av_cst
479 2.359.695
479 83.439
475 891.863
474 2.496.681
474 97.654
474 821.163
473 1.650.016
473 143.724
472 90.398
470 98.745
468 681.947
468 97.392
467 435.477
467 97.657
466 160.547
463 98.454
30 24.936
30 29.432
30 1.599.577
30 227.073
30 227.887
30 187.147
30 89.697
30 615.427
30 32.398
30 15.133
30 24.445.753
30 25.944
30 344.933
30 10.237
30 15.86
17082 30.425
11358 75.541
9788 30.638
9667 30.381
7302 73.051
6849 1.009.921
6299 124.441
6018 30.158
5646 124.569
5383 1.133.911
5381 30.278
4357 123.213
3989 3.065
什麼是外'數據'? –
@PorkChop數據是帶有25列的數據框 – user3560220
請提供數據 –