# Set PowerShell policy to Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
# Install Chocolatey
iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex
# Turn off confirmation in Chocolatey
chocolatey feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation
# Install Vagrant
choco install vagrant
# Install VirutalBox
choco install virtualbox
# Create folder where Vagrant box will be placed
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "D:\VagrantBoxes\Win8"
# Create folder where release will be placed
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "D:\Release"
# Map network drive (release folder)
New-PSDrive –Name 「B」 –PSProvider FileSystem –Root
「\\r\P\A\OS\D B\R 2\x64」 –Persist
# Map network drive (vagrant boxes folder)
New-PSDrive –Name 「B」 –PSProvider FileSystem –Root
「\\r\P\A\A\V M\V m」 –Persist
# Copy Vagrant box from network folder
Copy-Item -Path
"B:\windows_81x64-enterprise_virtualbox_15.07.17.box" -Destination "D:\VagrantBoxes\Win8"
# Copy newest build from network folder to remote machine
Get-ChildItem "B:\" -Filter '*.exe' | Where Name -NotMatch '.*NoDB\.exe$' | Sort LastWriteTime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Copy-Item -Destination 'D:\'
# Navigate to folder where Vagrant file will be placed
CD "D:\VagrantBoxes\Win8"
# Mount Windows box
vagrant init windows_81x64-enterprise_virtualbox_15.07.17.box
# Run Vagrant
vagrant up
使用FileZilla,Hyper-V,VMWare或類似的方式部署Windows映像是否可行? –
當然,爲什麼不呢。我正在從零開始構建一切,爲什麼不嘗試所有可能的解決方案?除了VMWare。我選擇了Vagrant + PowerShell,因爲它很容易創建Windows虛擬機和PowerShell,因爲我有用PS編寫的腳本(帶有靜默安裝選項)。基本上,我需要在Windows(8.1和10)環境中測試安裝過程。 –