注入的shell視圖樣式...我試圖使用常見的Bootstrap模板(sticky footer with fixed navbar)工作作爲獨立的,但只要我用它shell.html的「包裝」中失去其自動高度...在整個Durandal外殼中使用Bootstrap粘性頁腳模板w /固定導航欄
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- ko compose: {view: 'nav'} -->
<!-- /ko-->
<div id="content" class="container-fluid">
<!--ko compose: {
model: router.activeItem, //wiring the router
afterCompose: router.afterCompose, //wiring the router
transition:'entrance', //use the 'entrance' transition when switching views
cacheViews:true //telling composition to keep views in the dom, and reuse them (only a good idea with singleton view models)
<div id="push"></div>
<footer id="footer">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6"><p class="muted">© ABC Company Inc. 2013. All rights reserved.</p></div>
<div class="span6 "><p class="muted pull-right">v0.0.1-debug</p></div>
資產淨值子視圖只是有標準<nav id="mainnav" class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
當我通過Firebug檢查樣式時,我可以清楚地看到包裝div已經失去了它的全部高度......讓我瘋狂! :)
我想這和其他一些變化,但也有使用它打破了自適應版式與在不同瀏覽器垂直滾動條以及何時的問題。 – zam6ak 2013-05-28 14:08:40