2013-10-16 35 views


//Displaying and hiding infobox 
function displayInfobox(e) { 
    if (e.targetType == 'pushpin') { 
      visible: true, 
      title: e.target.Title, 
      description: e.target.htmlContent, 
      width: 250, 
      offset: new MM.Point(-3, 0) 
     //centering map on pushpin 
     var pinLocation = e.target.getLocation(); 

      center: pinLocation 

     infoBoxOrigHeight = $('.Infobox').outerHeight(); 
     infoBoxHeight = $('.Infobox .infobox-body').outerHeight(); 

     var stalkHeight = $('.infobox-stalk').outerHeight(); 

     var newOffset = (infoBoxHeight - infoBoxOrigHeight) + stalkHeight; 

      'height': infoBoxHeight, 
       'top': -newOffset 

     $('.Infobox').css('height', infoBoxHeight); 

     $('.infobox-stalk').css('top', infoBoxHeight); 

     var buffer = 100; 
     var infoboxOffset = infobox.getOffset(); 
     var infoboxAnchor = infobox.getAnchor(); 
     var infoboxLocation = map.tryLocationToPixel(e.target.getLocation(), Microsoft.Maps.PixelReference.control); 
     var dx = infoboxLocation.x + infoboxOffset.x - infoboxAnchor.x; 
     var dy = infoboxLocation.y - 100 - infoboxAnchor.y; 

     if (dy < buffer) { //Infobox overlaps with top of map. 
      //Offset in opposite direction. 
      dy *= -1; 
      //add buffer from the top edge of the map. 
      dy += buffer; 
     } else { 
      //If dy is greater than zero than it does not overlap. 
      dy = 0; 

     if (dx < buffer) { //Check to see if overlapping with left side of map. 
      //Offset in opposite direction. 
      dx *= -1; 
      //add a buffer from the left edge of the map. 
      dx += buffer; 

     } else { //Check to see if overlapping with right side of map. 
      dx = map.getWidth() - infoboxLocation.x + infoboxAnchor.x - infobox.getWidth(); 
      //If dx is greater than zero then it does not overlap. 
      if (dx > buffer) { 
       dx = 0; 
      } else { 
       //add a buffer from the right edge of the map. 
       dx -= buffer; 
     //Adjust the map so infobox is in view 
     alert('dx: ' + dx + ' dy: ' + dy); 
     if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { 
       centerOffset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(dx, dy), 
       center: map.getCenter() 






var infobox = this; 
var mapWidth = _map.getWidth(); 
var mapHeight = _map.getHeight(); 

var point = _map.tryLocationToPixel(infobox.getLocation()); 

var remainderX = (mapWidth/2) - point.x; 
var remainderY = (mapHeight/2) + point.y; 

//Empirical values based on the current infobox implementation 
var xExtraOffset = 33; 
var yExtraOffset = 37; 

var pixelsOutsideX = infobox.getWidth() + infobox.getOffset().x - remainderX - xExtraOffset + _options.horizontalPadding; 
var pixelsOutsideY = infobox.getHeight() + infobox.getOffset().y + yExtraOffset - remainderY + _options.verticalPadding; 

var newPoint = new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 0); 

if (pixelsOutsideX > 0) { 
    newPoint.x += pixelsOutsideX; 

if (pixelsOutsideY > 0) { 
    newPoint.y -= pixelsOutsideY; 

var newLocation = _map.tryPixelToLocation(newPoint); 

    center: new Microsoft.Maps.Location(newLocation.latitude, newLocation.longitude) 

將這項工作,即使在地圖重新可觀?我目前無法實施,但我想我會問。 – Fogolicious


它應該。在平移視圖之前,我獲取當前的地圖大小。 – psousa


所以在使用你的模塊後,運行時它會一直說在這一行上的參數是未定義的if(arguments.autoPan == true && arguments.visible == true){'任何提示可以幫助解決這個問題? – Fogolicious