given = float(input("How much money was given?\n"))#Asks for the amount of money given
while given < 0.01:#Prevents any digits 0 or lower from being inputted
print("That is not a valid amount")
given = float(input("How much money was given?\n"))
if given > 0.01:
while True:#Prevents anything not a digit from being inputted
print("That is not a valid option")
while given.isalpha():#Prevents anything not a digit from being inputted
print("That is not a number")
given = float(input("How much money was given?\n"))
[詢問用戶輸入的,直到他們得到一個有效的響應]的可能的複製(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23294658/asking-the-用戶輸入,直到他們給一個有效的迴應) – jonrsharpe
你可以發佈你已經嘗試過,爲什麼它不工作? – Aaron