ValrStart = Sheet4.Cells(rowno, 4).Address ‘rowno is the row in which the validation list starts and its value comes from another part of the code
ValrEnd = Sheet4.Cells(rownoEnd, 4).Address rownoEnd is the row in which the validation list ends and its value comes from another part of the code
Rng = "Sheet4.Range(""" & ValrStart & Chr(58) & ValrEnd & """" & ")"
With Cells(20, 3).Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=Rng
.ErrorMessage = "Invalid value. Select one from the dropdown list."
check = Cells(20, 3).Validation.Value
If check = False Then
Cells(20, 3).ClearContents
Exit Sub
End If
End With
現在發生的是什麼我出現在Cell是字符串RNG的值不它代表的範圍。 任何人都可以幫忙嗎? 感謝