我試圖將每個員工的出勤詳細信息作爲批量出席上傳數據從excel文件保存到數據庫中,下面的代碼顯示Excel數據導入成功但不存儲值到數據庫中,行$ last_id = $ this-> mod_common-> add_attendence_data($ data_user);不執行,這就是爲什麼它不工作,如何使這行執行?由於該代碼是由其他開發人員編寫的,我發現很難理解。從上傳的Excel文件中檢索數據並將其存儲到數據庫中
\t function upload_bulk_attendance(){
\t \t $data['htmltext'] = $this->mod_common->get_allleaves();
\t $this->data['maincontent'] = $this->load->view('maincontents/upload_attendance_sheet', $data,true);
\t $this->load->view('layout', $this->data);
\t }
function importExcel() {
\t //$this->mod_common->delete_attendance();
\t $this->load->library('excel');
//microsoft excel 2007
\t if(!$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5')){
\t \t die('Unable to create reader object');
\t }
//$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
//set to read only
//load excel file
\t global $SITE;
\t if(!$upload_val=$this->admin_init_elements->do_upload_docs('user_attendance',$SITE->client_logo_image_src,false)){
\t \t $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors();
\t \t $this->load->view('maincontents/upload_attendance_sheet', $data,true); \t
\t } else {
\t \t
\t \t $file_path = $upload_val['upload_data']['full_path'];
\t } \t
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file_path);
$objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(1);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ \t
\t \t $excelrow = 1;
\t \t $from_Date = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(4,1)->getValue();
\t \t
\t \t $to_Date \t = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(6,1)->getValue();
\t \t $total_rows_in_sheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRow(); \t
\t \t
\t \t if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTime($objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('E1'))) {
\t \t \t $dateValue = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($from_Date);
\t \t \t $from_date = date('Y-m-d',$dateValue);
\t \t }
\t \t
\t \t if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTime($objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('G1'))) {
\t \t \t $dateValue = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($to_Date);
\t \t \t $to_date = date('Y-m-d',$dateValue);
\t \t }
\t \t $start = strtotime($from_date);
\t \t $end = strtotime($to_date);
\t \t $days_between = ceil(abs($end - $start)/86400);
\t \t $excelrow = $excelrow + 2;
\t \t $emp_code_id_array = $this->mod_common->get_Details2('pr_users_details',array('userid','emp_code')); \t
\t \t foreach($emp_code_id_array as $e){ $emp_code_id[$e['emp_code']] = $e['userid']; } \t \t
\t \t
\t do {
\t \t $shift_excelrow \t = ++$excelrow;
\t /*--------------- Moving row wise for each employees data --------------*/ \t \t
\t \t $emp_code \t = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0,$excelrow)->getValue();
\t \t $emp_code \t =($emp_code==null)?0:$emp_code; \t
\t \t
\t \t if($emp_code<=0) continue;
\t \t $emp_code = str_pad($emp_code, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
\t \t
\t \t $emp_id \t =($emp_code_id[$emp_code]==null)?0:$emp_code_id[$emp_code];
\t \t $emp_name \t = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(1,$excelrow)->getValue();
\t /*--------------- Moving column wise for each days data --------------*/
\t \t $col_no=3; \t
\t \t for($i=0;$i<=$days_between;$i++) {
\t \t $dt = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($from_date));
\t \t $day = date('d', strtotime($dt .' +'.$i.' day'));
\t \t
\t \t $entry[] = $day."|".$objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col_no,$shift_excelrow)->getValue(); \t
\t \t $col_no++;
\t \t }
\t \t $present=$objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(34,$shift_excelrow)->getValue();
\t \t $absent=$objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(35,$shift_excelrow)->getValue();
\t \t $total=$objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(36,$shift_excelrow)->getValue();
\t \t \t if($emp_id!=0){
\t \t \t \t $emp_id_arr[] \t \t = $emp_id; \t
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t $data_user['emp_code'] \t \t = $emp_code;
\t \t \t $data_user['emp_id'] \t \t = $emp_id;
\t \t \t $data_user['name'] \t \t \t = $emp_name;
\t \t \t $data_user['entry'] \t \t \t = implode(",",$entry);
\t \t \t $data_user['from_date'] \t \t = $from_date;
\t \t \t $data_user['to_date'] \t \t = $to_date;
\t \t \t $data_user['present'] \t \t = $present;
\t \t \t $data_user['absent'] \t \t = $absent;
\t \t \t $data_user['total'] \t \t \t = $total;
\t \t \t $data_user['current_date'] \t = date('Y-m-d');
\t \t \t
\t \t \t $last_id=$this->mod_common->add_attendence_data($data_user);
\t \t \t //Reset array
\t \t \t $entry=array();
\t \t }while($excelrow <=$total_rows_in_sheet);
\t \t
\t /*----------------------------------------------------*/
\t \t if(count($emp_id_arr)==0){
\t \t \t $emp_id_arr[] \t \t = 0; \t
\t \t }
\t \t $this->mod_common->save_attendance_notification($last_id,implode(",",$emp_id_arr),$data_user['from_date']);
\t \t
\t \t $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Excel Data Imported Succesfully');
\t \t redirect(base_url().'admin_list/upload_bulk_attendance');
}//importExcel() END
function add_attendence_data($datauser) {
\t $emp_code = str_pad($datauser['emp_code'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
\t $this->db_replace->select('*');
\t $this->db_replace->from($this->myTables['attendance']);
\t $this->db_replace->where('emp_code',$emp_code);
\t $this->db_replace->where('from_date',$datauser['from_date']);
\t $query=$this->db_replace->get();
\t if($query->num_rows() <= 0)
\t {
\t \t $datauser['emp_code'] = $emp_code;
\t \t
\t \t $this->db_replace->insert($this->myTables['attendance'],$datauser);
\t \t $instanceid = $this->db_replace->insert_id();
\t \t
\t \t return $instanceid;
\t } else return false;
} \t
視圖:upload_attendance_sh eet.php
<section class="content-header">
\t \t \t Upload Attendance
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</a></li>
\t \t \t <li><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>admin_list"> Admin</a></li>
\t \t \t <li><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>admin_list#peopleconnect">Attendance</a></li>
\t \t \t <li class="active">Upload Attendance</li>
<section class="content">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<!-- Thought Day-->
<div class="panel wrapper clearfix m-b-none">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<?php if($bulkUploadMsg!=''){?>
<?php echo $bulkUploadMsg;?>
<?php } ?>
if($this->session->flashdata('success') == TRUE){
echo $this->session->flashdata('success');
echo form_open_multipart('admin_list/importExcel', array('method'=>'post','name'=>'uploadUserForm','id'=>'upload_file','class'=>"custom-form"));
Please download attendance upload format by clicking <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>uploads/attendance_format.xls" class="text-info" style="color:#23b7e5">here</a><br><br>
<table cellpadding="10px" style="background:none;width:100%;" RULES="ROWS">
\t <td width="50px;">Upload</td>
\t <td>:</td>
\t <td>
\t \t <?php echo form_upload(array("required"=>"required","name"=>"user_attendance","id"=>"user_attendance")); ?>
\t </td>
<h3>Instructions to Upload : </h3>
\t <li>Complete the sheet below and upload to update attendance records of all employees
You may add as many rows as needed - one for each employee
</li><li>Enter the start and end dates in the dd/mm/yyyy format only
</li><li>Only use the legend given to enter primary attendance details - Present at assigned office location-X, Absent without notification-A, On Official Travel-O, Present but not in office location-P, Week Off-W, Holiday-H, Half day working-D
</li><li>Use the following legends for entering Leave Details-<?php echo $htmltext; ?>
</li><li>As good practice, ensure that this sheet is uploaded at approximately the same interval each month
echo form_submit(array('name'=>'submit','value'=>'Upload','class'=>'btn btn-info btn-submit pull-right add'));
echo form_close();
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/plugins/data-tables/DT_bootstrap.js"></script>