2016-02-12 54 views

因此,我想將手機中的所有歌曲導出到我的PC中,這些歌曲位於預安裝的音樂播放器中的特定播放列表中。一個應該被整合到imho的功能。但事實並非如此,因爲音樂文件存儲在許多不同的目錄中,有些甚至在外部SD卡上,我不想親自去做。如何將播放列表中的歌曲從Android導出到Windows PC中







This app會自動完成,也將允許導入播放列表(沒有音樂文件)的路徑的文件。但您也可以通過其他方式創建該文件,例如用手。確保每個文件路徑位於新行。空間是好的。

/storage/extSdCard/Instalok/Media__t4p3f3.mp3 /storage/extSdCard/Instalok/Media__t6p5f3.mp3 /storage/extSdCard/Instalok/Media__t8p7f3.mp3 /存儲/模擬/ 0 /書籍/ GRETE_PAIA_San_Sebastiano。 MP3 /存儲/模擬/ 0/MP3 /神童 - 3 kilos.m4a /storage/emulated/0/mp3/Mermaid.mp3

實施例的文件的上方。 調用該文件playlist.txt並將其存儲在我的批處理文件旁邊的PC上。


Android手機通過USB與Windows計算機連接,並打開一個CMD。您可能需要在手機上啓用USB調試或解鎖鎖屏並允許訪問。如果您的手機已連接,則adb devices將列出。


如果您自動生成的文件,路徑可能是不一樣的adb用途。在我的情況下,adb使用/mnt/sdcard,而文件包含內部sdcard的所有路徑爲/storage/emulated/0/storage/emulated/通過adb存在,但目錄0沒有。 在我的情況下,它適用於外部SD卡。 因此,通過使用adb shell和你平時瀏覽的方式查看您的路徑:cdls

如果你的路徑比一個亞行需要不同,在文本文件取代它,或利用SEARCHTEXT REPLACETEXT選項的批處理文件。如果你不需要我的選擇,請確保用自己的東西替換。

4.設置你的目標文件夾 編輯批處理文件,並設置pathname您想要的目標文件夾。確保它已經存在!

5. Testrun 將批處理文件存儲在與playlist.txt相同的目錄中並運行它。它會要求你做一個testrun。按y然後按Enter讓它顯示它將使用的源路徑。它也會檢查目標文件夾是否存在:如果它不寫,它將變成紅色。 雖然它不檢查源路徑,那是你自己的工作。

6.運行 再次運行它,這次鍵入除y之外的任何內容。然後按回車。這次它會真正運行,將指定的文件複製到目標文件夾中。



@echo off 
REM make sure everything is set correctly 
REM playlist.txt: place a text file in the same dir as this file 
REM    and name it playlist.txt 
REM    it should contain all file paths on the phone 
REM    each path on a new line 
REM     This can be autogenerated for a playlist by https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ssi.playlistbackup 
REM pathname: Where should all the files be saved to 
REM SEARCHTEXT: Where the file containing all the paths says the file is 
REM REPLACETEXT: Where adb shell says the file is 
REM Make sure your destination folder at pathname already exists 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
color 0f 
set pathname=F:\Files\Music 
set SEARCHTEXT=/storage/emulated/0/ 
set REPLACETEXT=/mnt/sdcard/ 
set /p testrun=Is this a testrun? Testrun recommended. (y/n) 
if %testrun%==y (

echo Testrun 

for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (playlist.txt) do (
    set filename=%%~nxA 
    set remotename=%%A 
    REM replace the path with the path as adb uses it. 
    REM use "adb shell 
    REM  >> ls and >>cd 
    REM " to find it out 
    SET string=!remotename! 
    set fixedremotepath=!string:%SEARCHTEXT%=%REPLACETEXT%! 

echo I will try to load this from !fixedremotepath! to !pathname!/!filename! 

echo This warning always appears in Testruns: Make sure you have set all variables as specified in the comments in this file. 
echo If the writing turns red, check your destination Path 
echo I don't check the origin paths for correctness. If they are wrong, they will be mentioned as not found. 
color 0c 
cd %pathname% 

) else (
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (playlist.txt) do (
    set filename=%%~nxA 
    set remotename=%%A 
    REM replace the path with the path as adb uses it. 
    REM use "adb shell 
    REM  >> ls and >>cd 
    REM " to find it out 
    set SEARCHTEXT=/storage/emulated/0/ 
    set REPLACETEXT=/mnt/sdcard/ 
    SET string=!remotename! 
    set fixedremotepath=!string:%SEARCHTEXT%=%REPLACETEXT%! 

echo I WILL load this from !fixedremotepath! to !pathname!/!filename! 
REM ------------------------------------------------------------ 
adb pull -p "!fixedremotepath!" "!pathname!" 
REM ------------------------------------------------------------ 