// A task runner configuration.
"version": "0.1.0",
"command": "grunt",
"isShellCommand": true,
"tasks": [
"taskName": "build",
// Make this the default build command.
"isBuildCommand": true,
// Show the output window only if unrecognized errors occur.
"showOutput": "silent"
// Use the standard less compilation problem matcher.
/* "problemMatcher": "$lessCompile" */
"taskName": "test",
// Make this the default build command.
"isBuildCommand": false,
// Show the output window only if unrecognized errors occur.
"showOutput": "always"
// Use the standard less compilation problem matcher.
/* "problemMatcher": "$lessCompile" */
"taskName": "localhost",
// Make this the default build command.
"isBuildCommand": false,
// Show the output window only if unrecognized errors occur.
"showOutput": "always"
// Use the standard less compilation problem matcher.
/* "problemMatcher": "$lessCompile" */
2015-09-11 23:35:00