我是PHP的初學者& MySQL和我正在練習關於PHP & MySQL。有線只有字段名稱是正確的,但其他人。我無法從代碼中獲得預期的結果。 如何從數據庫中獲取正確的元數據? The expected result奇怪的數據輸出關於PHP和MySQL
// Open a connection to the server and USE the winestore
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","winestore");
/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
// Run a query on the wine table in the winestore database to retrieve
// one row
$query = "SELECT * FROM wine LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($link, $query);
// Output a header, with headers spaced by padding
print "\n" .
str_pad("Field", 20) .
str_pad("Type", 14) .
str_pad("Null", 6) .
str_pad("Key", 5) .
str_pad("Extra", 12) . "\n";
// How many attributes are there?
$x = mysqli_num_fields($result);
// for each of the attributes in the result set
// Get the meta-data for the attribute
$info = mysqli_fetch_field ($result);
// Print the attribute name
print str_pad($info->name, 20);
// Print the data type
print str_pad($info->type, 6);
// Print the field length in brackets e.g.(2)
print str_pad("({$info->max_length})", 8);
// Print out YES if attribute can be NULL
if ($info->not_null != 1)
print " YES ";
print " ";
// Print out selected index information
if ($info->primary_key == 1)
print " PRI ";
elseif ($info->multiple_key == 1)
print " MUL ";
elseif ($info->unique_key == 1)
print " UNI ";
// If zero-filled, print this
if ($info->zerofill)
print " Zero filled";
// Start a new line
print "\n";
'str_pad'?爲什麼不只是一張表 – Ghost
每次迭代都檢查'$ info',看看發生了什麼 – Ghost