2011-05-17 19 views

我試圖從COM(jscript)訪問.Net庫(The Image Resizer)COM - > .NET - 無法訪問重載的方法



Bitmap Build(object, ResizeSettings settings) 
void Build(object source, object dest, string settings) 
void Build(object source, object dest, ResizeSettings settings) 


Build("file",s); //works 


Build("file","file", s) 

我找不到任何重載不應該通過互操作的原因,especi當arg計數不同時盟友。 我錯過了什麼嗎?

更新:這裏是方法定義的完整代碼。第二次過載不可訪問。這不僅僅是這些方法 - 在每個重載方法中,我似乎只能訪問第一個重載。這是一個沒有記錄的COM錯誤/設計缺陷嗎?

/// <summary> 
    /// Provides methods for generating resized images, and for reading and writing them to disk. 
    /// Use ImageBuilder.Current to get the current instance (as configured in the application configuration), or use ImageBuilder.Current.Create() to control which extensions are used. 
    /// </summary> 
    public class ImageBuilder : AbstractImageProcessor, IQuerystringPlugin 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Resizes and processes the specified source image and returns a bitmap of the result. 
     /// This method assumes that transparency will be supported in the final output format, and therefore does not apply a matte color. Use &amp;bgcolor to specify a background color 
     /// if you use this method with a non-transparent format such as Jpeg. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="source">May be an instance of string (a physical path), VirtualFile, IVirtualBitmapFile, HttpPostedFile, Bitmap, Image, or Stream.</param> 
     /// <param name="settings">Resizing and processing command to apply to the.</param> 
     public virtual Bitmap Build(object source, ResizeSettings settings) { 
      BitmapHolder bh = new BitmapHolder(); 
      Build(source, bh, settings); 
      return bh.bitmap; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Resizes and processes the specified source image and stores the encoded result in the specified destination. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="source">May be an instance of string (a physical path or app-relative virtual path), VirtualFile, IVirtualBitmapFile, HttpPostedFile, Bitmap, Image, or Stream. app-relative virtual paths will use the VirtualPathProvider system</param> 
     /// <param name="dest">May be a physical path (string), or a Stream instance. Does not have to be seekable.</param> 
     /// <param name="settings">Resizing and processing command to apply to the.</param> 
     public virtual void Build(object source, object dest, ResizeSettings settings) { 
      ResizeSettings s = new ResizeSettings(settings); 

我覺得你的COM組件的代碼(或至少界面)在這裏更重要......你可以發佈嗎? – fretje 2011-05-17 13:53:31


組件是.NET,調用者是COM。我會添加更多的代碼。 – 2011-05-17 14:00:58


我不明白。 jscript不是COM。它可以很容易地調用COM組件。如果你希望.NET組件可以作爲COM組件訪問,你必須爲你的.NET組件添加代碼(比如'ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)'你在談論你的問題)。這使.NET組件成爲COM服務器。 – fretje 2011-05-17 14:04:59







Overloads in COM interop (CCW) - IDispatch names include suffix (_2, _3, etc)


Build_2("file", "file", s); 
Build_3("file", "file", settings); 

哇...太棒了!謝謝! – 2011-08-22 09:17:31



// COM won't see this. 
void Test(string a) 

// COM will see this and parameter b is not required 
void Test(string a, [DefaultParameterValue(null)] string b) 

乾淨的主意!它必須與.NET 2兼容,但它是一個庫。也許我將不得不公開一個備用接口。 – 2011-05-18 18:03:12


我在.NET 2.0應用程序中使用了同樣的想法。即使艱難的可選參數在C#2.0中也不受支持,該屬性在那裏,可以應用於參數。只是C#編譯器沒有對它做任何魔術。 – 2011-05-18 18:09:01


真的嗎?甜。我剛剛學到了非常酷的東西! – 2011-05-18 19:26:50