2015-12-01 181 views


import java.io.File; 

import java.io.IOException; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Assignment3 

public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException 

// Constants 
final int NUM_QUESTIONS = 10; 
final int NUM_PLAYERS = 2; 

// Variables 
int playerTurn = 1; // The current player 
int questionNum; // The current question number 
int playerAnswer; // The player's chosen answer 
int player1points = 0; // Player 1's points 
int player2points = 0; // Player 2's points 

// Create an array of Player objects for player #1 and player #2. 
player[] players = new player[NUM_PLAYERS]; 

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) 


players[i] = new player(i+1); 


// Create an array to hold Question objects. 
questions[] questions = new questions [NUM_QUESTIONS]; 

// Initialize the array with data. 

// Play the game. 
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_QUESTIONS; i++) 

// Display the question. 
Assignment3.displayQuestion(qArray[i], playerTurn); 

// Get the player's answer. 
players[playerTurn - 1].chooseAnswer(); 

// See if the correct answer was chosen. 
if (qArray[i].getCorrectAnswerNumber() == players[playerTurn - 1].getCurrentAnswer()) 


players[playerTurn -1].incrementPoints(); 


// See if the the player chose the wrong answer. 
// do nothing 
// Switch players for the next iteration. 

if (playerTurn == 1) 

playerTurn = 2; 


playerTurn = 1; 


// Show the game results. 


* The initQuestions method uses the contents of the trivia.txt file to 

* populate the qArray parameter with Question objects. 


public static void initQuestions(questions qArray[]) throws IOException 

// Open the trivia.txt file. 

File file = new File("trivia.txt"); 

Scanner inputFile = new Scanner(file); 

// Populate the qArray with data from the file. 
for (int i = 0; i < qArray.length; i++) 


// Create a Question object in the array. 
qArray[i] = new questions(); 

// Get the question text from the file. 

// Get the possible answers. 
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++) 


qArray[i].setPossibleAnswer(inputFile.nextLine(), j); 


// Get the correct answer. 


public static void displayQuestion(questions q, int playerNum) 


// Display the player number. 
System.out.println("Question for player #" + playerNum); 


// Display the question. 

for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) 

System.out.println(i + ". " + q.getPossibleAnswer(i)); 



public static void showGameResults(player[] players) 


// Display the stats. 
System.out.println("Game Over!"); 


System.out.println("Player 1's points: " + players[0].getPoints()); 

System.out.println("Player 2's points: " + players[1].getPoints()); 

// Declare the winner. 
if (players[0].getPoints() > players[1].getPoints()) 

System.out.println("Player 1 wins!"); 

else if (players[1].getPoints() > players[0].getPoints()) 

System.out.println("Player 2 wins!"); 


System.out.println("It's a TIE!"); 


import java.util.Scanner; 
public class player 


private int playerNumber; // The player number 
private int points; // Player's points 
private int currentAnswer; // Current chosen answer 

public player(int playerNum) 


playerNumber = playerNum; 

points = 0; 


public void chooseAnswer() 

// Create a Scanner object for keyboard input. 
// Get the user's chosen answer. 

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

System.out.print("Please enter your Answer"); //Asks user for a number 

this.currentAnswer = keyboard.nextInt(); 


public int getCurrentAnswer() 


return this.currentAnswer; //Returns Current Answer 


public void incrementPoints() 


this.points++; //Increments the points 


public int getPoints() 


return this.points; //Returns the points 



public class questions 
// Constant for the number of answers 
public final int NUM_ANSWERS = 10; 

// The trivia question 
private String questionText; 

// An array to hold possible answers. 
private String possibleAnswers[] = new String[NUM_ANSWERS]; 

// The number (1, 2, 3, or 4) of the correct answer. 
private int correctAnswer; 

public questions() 
// Initialize all fields to "" or 0; 
questionText = ""; 

correctAnswer = 0; 

for (int i = 1; i < NUM_ANSWERS; i++) 

setPossibleAnswer("", i); 

public void setQuestion(String question) 
//Sets the question 
this.questionText = question; 


public void setPossibleAnswer(String text, int num) 

//Sets possible Answer 
this.possibleAnswers[num] = text; 


public void setCorrectAnswerNumber(int num) 

//Sets correct Answer 
this.correctAnswer = num; 


public String getQuestionText() 

//Returns Question Text 
return this.questionText; 


public String getPossibleAnswer(int num) 

//Returns Possible Amswer 
return this.possibleAnswers[num]; 

public int getCorrectAnswerNumber() 

//Returns Correct Answer 
return this.correctAnswer; 


public String getCorrectAnswer() 

//Returns Possible Answer 
return this.possibleAnswers[this.correctAnswer]; 





異常在線程「主要」 java.lang.Error的:未解決編制問題: 方法intQuestion(問題[])是未定義的類型Assignment3 qArray不能被解析爲一個變量 qArray不能被解析爲一個變量

at Assignment3.main(Assignment3.java:42) 

你有什麼錯誤?你可以發佈你得到的堆棧跟蹤嗎? – ryekayo


請問您能合理縮進您的代碼嗎? – khelwood


錯誤在哪裏? – hbelmiro






我只是對downvote很好奇 - 有什麼我可以改進我的回答? – stuXnet


我沒有downvote它,idk爲什麼其他人做了,它幫助了一點,所以謝謝,即時通訊仍在努力試圖讓它工作 – user211212