2010-01-28 144 views




[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] 
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] 
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] 
[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] 
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] 
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] 
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1] #etc until only 1 peg left 


def succ(self, node): 
    size = len(node) 

    # find all legal moves going forward 
    for pos in range(0, size-1): 
     new_node = list(node) 
     if ((node[pos] == 1) and (pos < (size - 2)) and (node[pos+2] == 0)): 
      new_node[pos] = 0 # we're moving now 
      new_node[pos+2] = 1 # this is where we're moving the peg to 
      new_node[pos+1] = 0 # take out the peg here if there was one 
      yield new_node 

    # find all legal moves going backwards 
    for pos in range(0, size-1): 
     new_node = list(node) 
     if ((node[pos] == 1) and (pos > 1) and (node[pos-2] == 0)): 
      new_node[pos] = 0 # we're moving now 
      new_node[pos-2] = 1 # this is where we're moving the peg 
      new_node[pos-1] = 0 # take out the peg here if there was one 
      yield new_node 

現在,如果你知道深度優先搜索,這似乎是一個偉大的發電機在解決這個難題時使用。或者是? (我想是的,也許你可以幫助提出更Pythonic的方式?)


def goal(self, node): 
    pegs = 0 

    for pos in node: 
     if pos == 1: 
      pegs += 1 

    return (pegs == 1) # returns True if there is only 1 peg 

def solve_board(dfs_obj, node): 
    if goal(node): # only 1 peg! 
     print node 
     return node 

    for new_node in succ(node): 
     print new_node 
     return solve_board(new_node) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    solve_board([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) 



http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2137731/depth-first-search-in-python – 2010-01-28 00:10:11


是的,這些答覆都沒有幫助,因爲沒有任何答案遵循我必須使用的界面(即succ()函數)。我討厭人們如何愛給出神祕的答案,我的意思是來吧,只是幫助我,所以我可以去喝我悲慘的生活了。 – y2k 2010-01-28 00:12:55





def solve_board(dfs_obj, node): 
    if goal(node): # only 1 peg! 
     print node 
     return node 

    for new_node in succ(node): 
     if tuple(new_node) not in tested_nodes: 
      print new_node 
      result = solve_board(new_node) 
      if result: # True if it's a goal, None otherwise 
       return result 


def succ(self, node): 
    size = len(node) 

    # find all legal moves going forward 
    for pos in range(size-2): 
     new_node = list(node) 
     if ((node[pos] == 1) and (node[pos+2] == 0)): 
      new_node[pos] = 0 # we're moving now 
      new_node[pos+2] = 1 # this is where we're moving the peg to 
      new_node[pos+1] = 0 # take out the peg here if there was one 
      yield new_node 

    # find all legal moves going backwards 
    for pos in range(1,size): 
     new_node = list(node) 
     if ((node[pos] == 1) and (node[pos-2] == 0)): 
      new_node[pos] = 0 # we're moving now 
      new_node[pos-2] = 1 # this is where we're moving the peg 
      new_node[pos-1] = 0 # take out the peg here if there was one 
      yield new_node 

另一種方式刪除的條件之一寫SUCC funtion會

def succ(self, node): 
    for i in range(len(node)-2): 
     if node[i:j]==[1,1,0]: 
      yield node[:i]+[0,0,1]+node[j:] 
     if node[i:j]==[0,1,1]: 
      yield node[:i]+[1,0,0]+node[j:] 
     if node[i:j]==[1,0,0]: 
      yield node[:i]+[0,0,1]+node[j:] 
     if node[i:j]==[0,0,1]: 
      yield node[:i]+[1,0,0]+node[j:] 



你不能跳過一個空洞 – Claudiu 2010-01-28 01:26:48


@Caludiu:這就是我一開始想的,但重讀了這個問題 – 2010-01-28 01:42:58


謝謝gnibbler。是的,你可以跳過一個空洞。 – y2k 2010-01-28 01:46:52




你認爲這就是發生了什麼?我的意思是我們意識到深度優先可能導致無限循環,但老師認爲我們應該能夠得到一個工作解決方案。上帝我的生活。 – y2k 2010-01-28 00:34:14