2017-03-29 49 views

我想連接aws Windows ec2實例從Fedora 25,我連接它在Windows機器上沒有任何問題,因爲Windows有mstsc默認情況下,但這次我使用下面的命令在fedora-25連接到Windows EC2實例:如何在Fedora中使用AWS Windows ec2實例?

rdesktop -u administrator ec2-35-144-210-177.ap-south1.compute.amazonaws.com 
###failed after 2 mins 

I got below error - ERROR: ec2-35-144-210-177.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com: unable to connect

我使用MSTSC,但不能作爲預期的rdesktop不工作從Fedora的連接很能EC2 Windows實例從Windows機器連接。任何建議來解決這個問題?


「我想使用AWS在Fedora 25的Windows EC2」:請解釋一下 「使用」 的含義。你的意思是「連接」,還是你的意思是加載其中的另一個操作系統? – mootmoot


我已經更新了我的問題,如果有任何混淆,我試圖從fedora連接到aws windows ec2實例,但無法連接,因爲rdesktop無法按預期方式工作。 –


http://askubuntu.com/questions/592582/unable-to-connect-to-remote-desktop – mootmoot




laptop1 - running on Windows10 - connected to network1 
laptop2 - running on fedora25 - connected to network2 

AWS實例從windows10創建了網絡1,這就是爲什麼默認安全組的入站規則創建條目並且它將允許network1立即連接到Windows ec2而沒有任何問題。

In my Situation -

From the error - unable to connect, it is difficult to find out the root cause. 

I created Windows ec2 instance from Windows10 which was running on network1 but I was trying to access from fedora25 which is running on network2, network1 is different from network2 and if you want to connect from a network which is different from the network which you used to create Windows ec2 instance then you need to create one more entry in the security group for inbound Rules to add the ip address of your current network. And when I deleted the old machine and created new machine from fedora25+network2 it worked because by default it created one inbound rule in the Security Group for network2.


好吧,這讓我想起那些拔出長檢查清單的幫助臺。 – mootmoot