2016-01-08 143 views

不知道爲什麼我的textarea沒有選擇換行符。我試圖預先填充textarea文本模板,但我需要它來保留換行符而不是在一行中。有人會知道我錯過了什麼嗎?jQuery - .val到textarea不保留換行符



<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="Revue" style="width: 100%; min-height: 200px; white-space: pre;"></textarea> 


var revue_text_template ="Multi-Client impact? \ 
1: \ 
2: \ 
3? \ 

4? ?\ 5 「; VAR revue_text_template_filtered = revue_text_template.replace(/ \ r \ N | \ r | \ N/G,」 \ n「);


的字符串不包含'\ r'和/或'\ n ',這是正常的單行字符串,它在多行中斷。使用ES6多行字符串[Demo](https://jsfiddle.net/tusharj/t8y1okpp/6/) – Tushar




var revue_text_template = "Multi-Client impact? \nPrime Speaker(s): \n Component affected (infrastructure, application, server, network, etc.): \n Root Cause identified? If yes, what is the cause? \n How was the incident detected (alarm, client, vendor)? \n Was the incident caused by a planned change? If yes, what is the change number? \n Was recovery optimal? If not, why? \n Issues/gaps encountered?"; 

Updated Fiddle


var revue_text_template = `Line 0 
Line 1, 
Line 2, 
Line 3, 
Line 4`; 

我非常喜歡替代方法,它非常簡單。非常感謝。 –


@DanielEllison噢,真的,我想你沒有看到我的答案是在這之前10分鐘發佈的。我的評論也是關於這個問題的。 – Tushar


Updated fiddle

添加在\ r \ n作爲換行符。

var revue_text_template ="Multi-Client impact? \r\n\ 
Prime Speaker(s): \r\n\ 
Component affected (infrastructure, application, server, network, etc.): \r\n\ 
Root Cause identified? If yes, what is the cause? \r\n\ 
How was the incident detected (alarm, client, vendor)? \r\n\ 
Was the incident caused by a planned change? If yes, what is the change  number? \r\n\ 
Was recovery optimal? If not, why? \r\n\ 
Issues/gaps encountered?"; 


使用ES6Template strings

Updated Fiddle

var revue_text_template = `Multi-Client impact? 
Prime Speaker(s): 
Component affected (infrastructure, application, server, network, etc.): 
Root Cause identified? If yes, what is the cause? 
How was the incident detected (alarm, client, vendor)? 
Was the incident caused by a planned change? If yes, what is the change number? 
Was recovery optimal? If not, why? 
Issues/gaps encountered?`; 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="Revue" style="width: 100%; min-height: 200px; white-space: pre;"> 




var revue_text_template = ["Multi-Client impact?", 
    "Prime Speaker(s):", 
    "Component affected(infrastructure, application, server, network, etc.):", 
    "Root Cause identified ? If yes, what is the cause ?", 
    "How was the incident detected(alarm, client, vendor) ?", 
    "Was the incident caused by a planned change ? If yes, what is the change number ?", 
    "Was recovery optimal ? If not, why ?", 
    "Issues/gaps encountered ?" 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="Revue" style="width: 100%; min-height: 200px; white-space: pre;"></textarea>