只是想知道最好的方法,當談到異步。起初我的代碼看起來像這樣(例子被簡化了)。.Net Async ContinueWith VS嵌入任務任務
public NotificationSummary SendNotification()
var response = new NotificationSummary();
var first = FindSubscriptions(1);
var seventh = FindSubscriptions(7);
Task.WaitAll(first, ... , seventh);
response.First = first.Result;
response.Seventh = seventh.Result;
return response;
private Task<NotificationResult> FindSubscriptions(int day)
return Task.Run(() =>
var subscriptions = // call to database to get list of subscriptions
var tasks = subscriptions.Select(x => SendOutNotification(x))
var results = Task.WhenAll(tasks).Result.ToList();
return // map results to NotificationResult
private Task<IndividualResult> SendOutNotification(Subscription subscription)
return Task.Run(() =>
var response = new IndividualResult();
foreach(var user in subscription.Users)
// Send user info to EMAIL API
catch(Exception ex) { response.Failed.Add(user)}
return response;
public NotificationSummary SendNotification()
var response = new NotificationSummary();
var firstTasks = new List<IndivdualResult>();
var first = FindSubscriptions(1).ContinueWith(x=>
x.Result.ForEach(r =>
response.First = // map first;
// do 2 - 7 tasks as well
return response;
private Task<List<Subscription>> FindSubscriptions() {} //returns subscriptions
private Task<IndividualResults> SendOutNotication() {} // same as above
你總是在同步阻塞任務,這首先破壞了使這些操作異步的目的。如果操作不需要是異步的,那麼使它們同步開始。如果他們需要實際上是異步的,那麼你不需要同步等待他們完成。 – Servy
爲什麼這違反了SRP? – usr
@Servy我明白你的意思。所以我真的需要開始所有的任務,然後有一個waitall函數,在開始分析結果之後。 – Beastwood