function showNextStep(currentStep) {
$("#step" + currentStep).slideToggle("slow", function() {
if (currentStep === 1) {
//figure out what kind of donation they are making
var chosenDonationType = $("[name=donationType]").val();
//show the apppropriate slide
switch (chosenDonationType) {
case "oneTimeGift":
currentStep += 1;
$("#step" + currentStep).slideToggle("slow");
case "recurringDonation":
currentStep += 1;
$("#step" + currentStep).slideToggle("slow");
//if somehow they changed it to something else, ignore them and return false.
return false;
//break; not needed due to return
}//end switch
} else {
currentStep += 1;
$("#step" + currentStep).slideToggle("slow");
我有一個用戶可以捐贈以及資金的清單。此後的步驟(id =「step4」)用於分配。如果用戶只選擇一個複選框,我想跳過該步驟並將相應的輸入值設置爲100。 Catch是,我不知道如何通過複選框數組(我假設使用[name = list-item])並且發現只有一個被選中,確定哪一個,然後跳過下一步的步驟將相應分配框的值設置爲100.什麼是性能高效的方法?
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="showGoodMenGoodCitizensAllocation" name="list-items[]" value="Good_Men_Good_Citizens" />
Good Men, Good Citizens Scholarship
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="showClassof2012Allocation" name="list-items[]" value="Class_Of_2012" />
Class of 2012 Scholarship <abbr title="In Honor Of">IHO</abbr> Mr. Jason M. Ferguson ’96
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="showClassof2011Allocation" name="list-items[]" value="Class_Of_2011" />
Class of 2011 Scholarship <abbr title="In Honor Of">IHO</abbr> Ms. Anita Garland
<div id="GoodMenGoodCitizensAllocation" class="input-append hiddenByDefault">
<input type="number" name="Good_Men_Good_Citizens-Allocation" min="0" max="100" value="0" />
<span class="add-on">% to the Good Men, Good Citizens Scholarship</span>
<div id="ClassOf2012Allocation" class="input-append hiddenByDefault">
<input type="number" name="Class_Of_2012-Allocation" min="0" max="100" value="0" />
<span class="add-on">% to the Class of 2012 Scholarship <abbr title="In Honor Of">IHO</abbr> Mr. Jason M. Ferguson ’96</span>
<div id="ClassOf2011Allocation" class="input-append hiddenByDefault">
<input type="number" name="Class_Of_2011-Allocation" min="0" max="100" value="0" />
<span class="add-on">% to the Class of 2011 Scholarship <abbr title="In Honor Of">IHO</abbr> Ms. Anita Garland</span>
對於整個頁面代碼: http://pastebin.com/yFv2day1
對於完整的JavaScript代碼目前使用: http://pastebin.com/P0YVRuqY
- 的jQuery 1.8.3
- Twitter的引導
所以我可以添加到像下面的showNextStep功能?我如何確定哪個複選框被選中? 'if($(「#step3:checkbox:checked」)。length === 1){ //標識哪個複選框並設置分配 currentStep + = 2; $(「#step」+ currentStep).slideToggle(「slow」);其他{ currentStep + = 1; $(「#step」+ currentStep).slideToggle(「slow」); } }' – kkirsche
@kkirsche最後回答 –
工作。現在我只需要弄清楚它爲什麼會破壞我的showPreviousStep函數。可能是我做了 – kkirsche