您可以使用'---'分隔符來定義每個鍵和值行的切片以構建每個鍵值。 (從你的榜樣,我猜有多個「國防部」,與時俱進的獨特國防部的價值觀,所以我用這個領域的整體蓄電池鍵。)
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from itertools import groupby
sample = """\
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1 48 1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3 DS-C9148-K9-SUP active *
2 48 1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3 DS-C9148-K9-SUP active *
Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 6.2(17) 1.1 20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8
2 6.2(17) 1.1 20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 c0-8c-60-65-82-dc to c0-8c-60-65-82-df JAF1736ALLM
2 c0-8c-60-65-82-ec to c0-8c-60-65-82-ef JAF1736AXXX
Xbar Ports Module-Type Model Status
---- ----- ----------- ----- ------
1 0 Fabric 1 ABC ok
Xbar Sw Hw
---- -- ---
1 NA 1.0
all_input_lines = sample.splitlines()
mod_accum = defaultdict(dict)
xbar_accum = defaultdict(dict)
for is_blank, input_lines_iter in groupby(all_input_lines,
key=lambda s: not bool(s.strip())):
input_lines = list(input_lines_iter)
if is_blank:
# assume first two lines are field names and separator dashes
names, dashes = input_lines[:2]
# make sure dashes line is all '---' separators
if not all(ss == set('-') for ss in map(set, dashes.split())):
print("invalid line group found, skipping...")
# use regex to get start/end of each '---' divider, and make slices
spans = (match.span() for match in re.finditer('-+', dashes))
slices = [slice(sp[0], sp[1]+1) for sp in spans]
names = [names[sl].rstrip() for sl in slices]
# is this a module or an xbar?
if 'Mod' in names:
key = 'Mod'
accum = mod_accum
elif 'Xbar' in names:
key = 'Xbar'
accum = xbar_accum
raise ValueError("no Mod or Xbar name in row names ({})".format(
for line in input_lines:
# use slices to extract data from values, make into a dict
row_dict = dict(zip(names, (line[sl].rstrip() for sl in slices)))
# accumulate these values into any previous ones collected for this Mod
# print out what we got
import json
all_data = {"Modules": mod_accum, "Xbars": xbar_accum}
print(json.dumps(all_data, indent=2))
"Modules": {
"2": {
"World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)": "20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8",
"Module-Type": "1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3",
"Ports": "48",
"Sw": "6.2(17)",
"Hw": "1.1",
"Model": "DS-C9148-K9-SUP",
"Status": "active *",
"Serial-Num": "JAF1736AXXX",
"MAC-Address(es)": "c0-8c-60-65-82-ec to c0-8c-60-65-82-ef",
"Mod": "2"
"1": {
"World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)": "20:01:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8 to 20:30:54:7f:ee:df:88:f8",
"Module-Type": "1/2/4/8 Gbps FC/Supervisor-3",
"Ports": "48",
"Sw": "6.2(17)",
"Hw": "1.1",
"Model": "DS-C9148-K9-SUP",
"Status": "active *",
"Serial-Num": "JAF1736ALLM",
"MAC-Address(es)": "c0-8c-60-65-82-dc to c0-8c-60-65-82-df",
"Mod": "1"
"Xbars": {
"1": {
"Module-Type": "Fabric 1",
"Ports": "0",
"Sw": "NA",
"Hw": "1.0",
"Model": "ABC",
"Status": "ok",
"Xbar": "1"
1 。輸出應該是什麼樣子,以及2.你嘗試過的什麼都不起作用? –
我想說你必須使用複雜的常規ex或有狀態行解析器。不幸的是,兩者都會處於挑戰和醜陋之間。 –