2016-07-04 229 views

我是as3的新手,並且試着四處搜尋我的問題的答案,但它似乎沒有任何效果。我有一個xml加載文件,當用戶點擊正確的選項(4)時,他們得到了一個得分。我試圖在點擊一次後禁用按鈕,但這種情況沒有發生。任何幫助將不勝感激。 這是我有的部分。點擊進入後禁用按鈕as3

function setupButtons():void { 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons) 
     buttons[obj].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer); 

function disableBtns(evt:MouseEvent):void { 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons) 
    buttons[obj].enabled = false; 




function setupButtons():void { 
    //you're adding a click listener for every object in `buttons` 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons) 
     buttons[obj].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer); 

    //this next line seems out of place, 
    //it is NOT a part of your for loop above so it will only run once, 
    //The value of obj will be the LAST item in the for loop above 


function disableBtns(evt:MouseEvent):void { 
    //you don't have curly braces on this next for loop line 
    //this means it's only going to run the line immediately following the loop as part of the loop. 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons) 
    //your attempting to remove the same listener over and over again (since this line is in a loop) 
    //this next line is not part of the loop above. 
    //I imagine you only want to disable the button that was clicked (evt.currentTarget) 
    //This will only disable whatever the last value of obj was in the loop above 
    buttons[obj].enabled = false; 


//first, just have one click listener for each button, forget the mouse up listener 
function setupButtons():void { 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons){ 
     buttons[obj].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); 

function btnClick(evt:MouseEvent):void { 
    //If buttons are of the SimpleButton class, you can just disable them 
    evt.currentTarget.enabled = false; 

    //OR, if the buttons are not of the SimpleButton class 
    evt.currentTarget.mouseChildren = false; 
    evt.currentTarget.mouseEnabled = false; 

    //OR, just remove the click listener 
    evt.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); 

    //run the checkAnswer function 

要禁用所有按鈕whe ñ任何1被點擊,你可以這樣做:

function btnClick(evt:MouseEvent):void { 
    for (var obj:Object in buttons){ 
     buttons[obj].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); 

    //run the checkAnswer function 

謝謝你的答案。這當然更清潔,更合乎邏輯。不過,我嘗試過,但它仍然不禁用按鈕。我可以多次點擊它並每次不斷增加分數(checkAnswer函數 – Don


我編輯了答案以顯示其他一些可以嘗試禁用'btnClick'函數中的按鈕的功能。取出已啓用如果嘗試使用其中一種, – BadFeelingAboutThis


再次感謝我的朋友,我試過了你給的兩個選項,他們的工作 – Don