2017-04-12 46 views



歡迎來到Stack,Neetu!請給我們一些代碼和例子,以便我們可以幫助您解決您的問題。 –


請在閱讀文檔之前閱讀以下內容:https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/creating-custom-modules – Fky




* Implements hook_menu(). 
function my_module__menu() { 
    $items = array(); 

    $items['student-info'] = array(
     'title' => 'Student Info', // This becomes the page title 
     'description' => 'Information about students.', // this is the link description 
     'page callback' => 'function_name_that_outputs_content', // this is the page callback function that will fire 
     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, // this is the type of menu callback, there are several that you can use depending on what your needs are. 

    return $items; // make sure you actually return the items. 

* Output the page contents when someone visits http://example.com/student-info. 
function function_name_that_outputs_content() { 
    $output = 'My page content' 

    return $output; 