from ipkiss.all import *
class ElectrodePair(Structure):
"""An electrode component to be used for a PPLN design."""
__name_prefix__ = "ELECTRODE_PAIR"
width = PositiveNumberProperty(required = True)
height = PositiveNumberProperty(required = True)
seperation = PositiveNumberProperty(required = True)
lay1 = Layer(number = 1, name = "boundaries")
def define_elements(self, elems):
left = ShapeRectangle(center = (-self.seperation*0.5,0.), box_size = (self.width, self.height))
right = ShapeRectangle(center = (self.seperation*0.5,0.), box_size = (self.width, self.height))
elems += Boundary(layer = self.lay1, shape = left)
elems += Boundary(layer = self.lay1, shape = right)
return elems
class ElectrodeStructure(ElectrodePair):
"""An array of electrodes."""
__name_prefix__ = "ELECTRODE_STRUCTURE"
amount = PositiveNumberProperty(required = True)
spacing = PositiveNumberProperty(required = True)
def define_elements(self, elems):
electrodePair = ElectrodePair.__init__(self)
elems += ARefX(reference = electrodePair, origin = (0,0), period_1d = self.spacing, n_o_periods_1d = self.amount)
return elems
def main():
FILE_NAME = "ElectrodeArray.gds"
electrodeArray = ElectrodeStructure(amount = 10, height = 100., seperation = 20, spacing = 10., width = 2.)
if __name__ == "__main__":
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPKISS-2.4_ce-py2.7.egg/ipcore/properties/initializer.py",
line 327, in __init__ raise IpcoreAttributeException("Required property '%s' is not found in keyword arguments of '%s' initialization." % (p, str(type(self))))
ipcore.exceptions.exc.IpcoreAttributeException: Required property 'amount' is not found in keyword arguments of '<class '__main__.ElectrodeStructure'>' initialization.
我懷疑是因爲electrodePair = ElectrodePair.__init__(self)
是的,你必須在你的ElectrodePair初始化器中指定一個數量 – hd1