的數據框,並且在列中有DiagrammeR圖形對象。以下是您需要繪製Rmd中所有圖表的全部內容:r require(DiagrammeR); renderHtmlWidgetList(grfDf$graph, render_graph)
#' Render a list of htmlWidgets using various tricks
#' @param widgetList A list of htmlWidget objects to be rendered
#' @param renderFunction The function to render individual widgets. It can be either a name
#' of the rendering function, e.g., "render_graph" in DiagrammeR, or the actual function to
#' be passed to this call.
#' @return The knitted string. This is to be included in the output by using `r renderHtmlWidgetList(...)`;
#' @details This is a collection of various tricks. See the URL citations in the code.
#' Note that this code does alliterate global variables starting with "renderHtmlWidgetList_".
#' You may want to delete them using rm(list = ls(pattern="renderHtmlWidgetList_*")).
#' @examples Inlcude the following in the Rmd directly
#' `r require(DiagrammeR); renderHtmlWidgetList(grfDf$graph, render_graph)`
#' @export
renderHtmlWidgetList <- function(widgetList, renderFunction){
# error checking
# handles if the renderFunction is actually a function
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10520772/in-r-how-to-get-an-objects-name-after-it-is-sent-to-a-function
if(is.function(renderFunction)) {
# convert back to string, because we need to knit it later
renderFunction <- deparse(substitute(renderFunction))
stopifnot(is.character(renderFunction) & length(renderFunction)==1)
stopifnot(exists(renderFunction, mode = "function"))
# inject global vars; make sure we have a unique global var name
gVarName<- paste0("renderHtmlWidgetList_", sample(1:10000, 1))
while (exists(gVarName)) {
gVarName<- paste0("renderHtmlWidgetList_", sample(1:10000, 1))
# assigning widgetList to a global temp var
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510966/create-a-variable-name-with-paste-in-r
assign(gVarName, widgetList, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# solution from https://gist.github.com/ReportMort/9ccb544a337fd1778179
out <- NULL
knitPrefix <- "\n```{r results='asis', cache=FALSE, echo=FALSE}\n\n"
knitSuffix <- "\n\n```"
for (i in 1:length(widgetList)) {
knit_expanded <- paste0(knitPrefix, renderFunction, "(", gVarName, "[[", i, "]])")
out = c(out, knit_expanded)
paste(knitr::knit(text = out), collapse = '\n')
另一種解決辦法是使用我的'pander' PKG與支持循環只有一個'brew'文件:http://rapporter.github.io/pander/#brew-to-pandoc。請參閱「短代碼長報告」示例。 – daroczig
太棒了,我會看看 – Btibert3